chapter | 12

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| jungkook's point of view

The details of how Sewon became my sister was unclear to me. I was young and had no idea about the world I lived in. How it could be so deceiving and cruel.

When I was in middle school, I came home one day and heard my parents arguing loudly in their bedroom. I couldn't help but over hear what they were fighting about. I found a little girl crying in the living room. I was told about her afterwards; she is my half sister.

I have always wanted to be a big brother to someone. I wanted someone I could protect, someone who would look up to me like a hero and so I was happy when I learned about Sewon. I accepted her right away. No questions asked. To me, her history was not important. I didn't care about her being my father's child to a mistress or having to share my father's fortune with her. Those things were of no importance to me because she made my life brighter when she came.

I was kind to her. I looked after her ever since but somewhere on the way, I developed feelings that I know I shouldn't have for my own sister. I was aware of the strange emotion in my chest. I asked myself if it was possible. I even tested myself; I let Sewon have a boyfriend. She always asked me for advice but I couldn't keep my head straight when she mentions his name. After two weeks, they broke up. He left Sewon because he said she was too boring. My blood was boiling in anger. I couldn't see anything but violence and the need to beat him up to death.

I was sent to guidance counseling for the first time in my life. My hands were full of cuts and bruises. They told me I had anger management issues. I couldn't care less. He provoked me. I knew Sewon would know about it and I was afraid she'd hate me.

"Jungkook!" She sneaked into my bed room because I was being punished by my father. Nobody was allowed to see me or talk to me.

"Why did you do it?" Her face filled with worry as she sat on my bed. She took my bandaged hand, "Now look at your hand. You know he's not worth it."

"But he hurt you and you cried in front of me." I told her looking straight into her eyes. "I can't let any guy do that to you."

"I told you I'm fine. I knew you'd do something like that. I'm sorry, because of me you're being punished by father." She hung her head low.

I took my hand to lift her chin up so I could see her face better. I flashed her a gentle smile, but it's not because I was her older brother. I pulled her in a hug and with my bandaged hand, I patted her head, "It's not your fault I'm being punished. I'm sorry for making you worry. I won't do it again."

She was crying when I pulled away, "You always make me worry."

I smiled and wiped her tears away, "I promise to not make you worry anymore so stop crying, hm?" And then I kissed her.

I don't care if it was wrong. She looked so beautiful and I just have to kiss her.


"Why didn't you invite Sewon over?" My mother asked over dinner. My father never liked Sewon because she was the living proof of his mistake and I hated my father because of it.

"She's practicing for her recital." I said, ignoring the obvious hints of dislike by my father.

"Don't hang around with that girl. She's not a good company. She might even blackmail you for money just like her mother." Father said sternly.

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