Blay Zaveri

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Ah, detention for 3rd and some of 4th hour. The one place that I absolutely hate. I actually absolutely school in general, and humans as well. I can't really explain it....Or maybe I can but I'm not going to waste time explaining it. I crack one of my eyes open, to see everyone else here on the opposite side of the room. Mostly likely trying to avoid me...


I wait for the bell to ring, then grab my bag and leave. People know to avoid me, except that Jamie girl. She can't ever mind her dang business. I walk through the crowed hallways, of people trying to get to their buses on time. A kid runs past me, so I stick out my foot and watch her fall to the ground. 

"Watch where your going."

I walk away as the kid tries to pick up her stuff, then I realize a teacher has caught me...again. "Miss Zaveri to the principal's office." she says sternly. I mutter under my breath, heading back towards the office. 

"Blay, what have we talked about when it comes to other student's here?" The principal scolded. 

"That hurting people is bad and I shouldn't do it blah, blah, blah." I say with a roll of my eyes. The principal's face grew redder, making a smirk cross my face. This is hilarious, let's see how redder I can get her face. 

"You smell of dead whale, don't ask me how I know. Did you happen to be moving dead whales this morning?" I ask, playing with my red hair. Her face gets even redder, almost as red as my hair. I laugh as she writes a detention note, then growls,

"Detention, for the next month." 

"Your no fun."

"Blay, you may leave." I smile, take a dramatic bow, and leave. I look at the note, and smirk has I find that my name has become a stamp. I shove it in my pocket, then walk down the now empty hallways. A kid runs past me, running into me as a result.

"Gosh, watch where your going!" I shout.

The boy keeps running, so I shout at him.

"Hey kid!" I shout. He flinches, then turns around.

"What's your name?" I ask. This kid had guts to just walk away from my like that. Or rather, run away. 

"M-Mathias Underwood." he stutters.

"Glad to meet you." I say before keep walking.           

I exit into the outside world after wondering around for a good while, and hiss. "Stupid sunlight." I say, walking towards my 5th hour. I noticed a white van driving near me, but I brushed it off. 

Next thing I know I'm judo flipping a older woman who tried to sneak up behind me. "What the he-" she started, but I cut her off.

"What do you want?" I ask. She smirks as another person comes up behind me. I go into a spinning scissors headlock, throwing the other guy to the ground. 

"What do you want with me?!" I shout, holding my hands in fists. I notice the girl is gone, and she headlocks me, as if trying to choke me. 

"LET ME GO!!" I shout, or at least try as a needle slides into my skin.

"There we go, Barney, go check for any witnesses." the girl says as I try to fight.

I try so hard, but my body weakens, I can't fight. I'm I going to get raped? I'm I going to die, I've escaped death once, but it's here for me right now. I never got to say goodbye.....

My eyes grow heavy, and I feel my legs slowly lock, making me fall to the ground. "No." I whisper, before the sound of silence fill my ears.


I wake up on a straw floor, with a bunch of other people around me. I growl, then, as I usually do, I yell. 

"HEY LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" I scream at the door, trying to punch it down. "I SWEAR IF I HAVE BEEN RAPED YOU WILL BE KILLED SO FAST YOU WON'T EVEN KNOW IT!!" I didn't feel like I lost my virginity, which is good I guess. 

After another hour of screaming, I hear foot prints. I wait until the door opens, then let's my fist fly into the first thing on the other side of the door

Turns out it was that little runt from earlier.

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