Chapter 3: We Are Hippies

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"You guys stay back," I snapped at the younger kids, pushing back my red hair. "We don't want it looking suspicious." The kids looked at each other, eyes filled with worry. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel bad for them. Walker pushed open the door, letting me walk in before he gave the kids a sad look. 

"You know you could be a little bit easier on them." the boy commented, shoving his hands in his pockets. "They all have been kidnapped." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms protectively over my chest. 

"So have I, and do you see me on the brim of tears?" I questioned, voice ridged. Walker sighed, and I watched as he tugged a hand through his hair. His eyes glanced over the old place, the smell of stale beer filling his nose. My hair, which reached almost to my waist, was probably the brightest thing in the shop. My arms tightened slightly around my midsection, a frown carved into my face. 

"They are kids after all," Walker whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. "You can't expect them to just be okay." I looked up briefly, my sliver-blue eyes softening just a little bit. "We are the oldest here. We just got to make sure they feel safe. Even if we aren't." Before I could respond, a very muscular man enters the lobby, his hands rubbing themselves on a rag.

"Hello," the man greeted warmly. He reminded me of a clown, just, with a lot more makeup. Walk glared at me briefly, making sure I was only going to silently judge him. "My name's Malec, what can I do for ya?" he had a faint accent, though I couldn't tell what it was. 

"Uh, we're here to pick up the Volkswagen Bus." Walker was obviously intimidated by this man, the boy's voice shaking ever so slightly. Malec narrowed his dark caramel eyes, leaning over the counter just a little bit more. 

"Who are you?" he asked darkly, causing Walker to take a step back. This man seemed very similar to Laura, not so much in personality but more as the physical side of things. I was muscular, but by no means could I take this man down. I cleared my throat, standing a little bit straighter and glaring at Malec. 

"Friends of Laura Amir," I stated firmly. "She sent us to get her car." Walker held up the keys, and the man immediately warmed up to us. He gave a heart laugh, walking around the counter and slapping Walker on the back.

"Ah!" he smiled at the both of us. "She's know to rent family friends who are just married new cars!" Walker's face burned bright red, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. I shrugged, nodding slightly and grasping his free hand. 

"Can we just get the car?" I asked in a deadpan tone, subtly elbowing Walker in the ribs as to not blow our cover. Malec gave another laugh, leading us towards the back room. 

"She's all your's!" he smiled, and pushed a button that opened up light into the car garage. "Have fun on your honey moon!" The second he walked away, I released the boy's hand and let out a noise of annoyance.

"I can't believe it," I growled under my breath, annoyance pooling into my mind. 

"What, I don't  see anything wrong with it." Walker justified, running his hand along the car's frame. "It'll fit all of us just fine." 

"That's not the problem!" I exclaimed. "The problem is we'll look like a bunch of freaking hippies if we drive that thing." My voice seethed with annoyance, eyes dark. In was covered in flowers, looking  like it came straight from a Scooby Doo episode. 

"It's all we got, Blay," Walker said, leaning against the hideous piece of garbage. "We just have to make the best of it. Do you want to drive first?" he held out the car keys, to which I took while muttering a string of curses. I hopped into the driver's seat, waiting for Walker to put his seat belt on before starting up the car. We pulled from the garage, spotting the kids crouching down in the shadows. I quickly jumped out, keeping that all familiar glare on my face as I made sure everyone was in. 

Jacob, the goth kid, seemed to be having a hard time getting that Matthias kid into the truck. I personally believed he was to blame for all of this. Plus, he slowed us down, and we could have used that time to make a quicker escape. I rolled my eyes, helping the fragile boy find a place to sit then jumped into the driver's seat. 

"Where are we going?" one of the triplets asked quietly. I didn't respond, only clicked my seat belt into place and started up the car. Ink had spilled onto the sky as we drove the Hippie van away from the city. Letting one arm dangle out the window, I silently cursed to everything I knew. Of course I would get kidnapped. Of course all of this would happen to me. Why do bad things always happen to bad people? I mean, it's not like I asked for this. 

I glanced back at the group of kids. The three blonde had all fallen asleep against each other. The strawberry blonde had his head bent at a weird position. The goth kid had his head tilted backwards, while Ever let Matthias lean on her shoulder.

They didn't look like they had been kidnapped. They looked like normal kids. But heaven knows this adventure would be anything but normal.


Laura sat in her old wicker chair, a book grasped in her hand. It was strange, to see someone so physically strong to look so peaceful reading. She played with a chain dangling on her collarbone, and a peacful look cast over her face. Suddenly, a loud noise sounded from the door, before it was broken open. A group of armed men flooded into the room, but still Laura wore a rather unamused expression. Her hand moved up, and she almost laughed. "You're late. For a company such as yourselves I'm surprised you weren't here sooner." Her snarky comment was met with the barrel of a gun.

"Where are the kids?" One of the taller men demanded, his tone screaming that he meant business. Laura stood up, brushing imaginary flecks of dust off, before her whisky eyes narrowed at him.

"Like I said, you should have been here sooner. They are long gone by now." The man growled, gripping her upper bicep and pulling her close to his face. "Get your hands off of me." Laura snarled, easily shoving the man off of her.

"Come with me." He hissed, another gun being shoved into her back. Laura followed, holding her head high to show she was not afraid. She was shoved into a van, raising an eyebrow.

Why would these people be after those kids?

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