36 2 0


I scream as pain tears through my chest.

I am unsure if this is the pain of a panic attack or my heart.

Probably my heart 'cause it was just ripped from my chest.

FUCK IT ALL! I scream.

I roll from my bed and wipe my tear stained face,

grabbing my blade and putting it in its rightful place.

I slide it across my skin pushing in deep.

FUCK IT ALL! I scream.

I want to be dead

Please I'm begging you to fucking kill me.

Pull the fucking trigger and blow open my head.

FUCK IT ALL! I scream.

Tears run down my face like the blood on my arms.

But to me the blood needs a to be a thicker stream.

I push it in deeper and drag it across.

FUCK IT ALL! I scream.

I'm so tierd of this fucking bullshit.

I'm starting to loose count,

hell who am I kidding I lost count a long time ago.

I lost count of the days and time.

I lost count of how many people cared.

Oh wait,

no one cares.

I continue digging the blade into both my wrist and thighs.

Man I love this high.

I look down at the small puddle of blood that has formed.

I smile and look at my blade before putting it away.

That's all for today.

So long and goodbye.

Question of the chapter: My mum __________ my spaghetti O's so I __________ leave your answers in the comments.

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