Chapter 1

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Hello! HoldMyNandos here.

Yes I've changed my username once again, hopefully this one will stay!

I used to be ChaoticColor but I got tired of it.

I'm the author of "When We Kissed" and this is my second fan fic!

I've already written about Niall, and as you can see by the cover of this one, this fan fic is going to be about Harry.

Hope y'all enjoy! :)


Chapter 1


"Marie, I don't think things are going to work out between me and you anymore."

"What? I thought what we had was special.."

This one's a cryer.

It's a good thing we're not in public.

"Look Marie, what we had was great, but I just need some space."

"If space is what you need, then space is what you're going to get!" she yelled as she stormed out of the house.

I was wrong, she's a yeller.

Louis then walked into the living room eating an apple.

"And Marie makes ex-girlfriend number 19!" he said.

"19? I've broken 19 hearts already?" I asked confused.

"That's right Harry, 19. Can't wait to see who number 20 is."

"How come I've gone through so many girlfriends? Which one did I last the longest with?"

"Jessica Riley and I think the two of you were together for 8 months."

My eyes widened after he told me my longest relationship was 8 months. Is it my fault? I have been the one ending the relationships.

"Louis, I to find a girl and stick to her for more than 8 months!"

"You? And a girl? For more than 8 months?! Hahaha! You're so funny, lad!" he laughed hysterically, dropping his apple to the floor.

"Oh shut up! One day I'm going to prove you wrong. Girl number 20 is going to be different. You'll see!" I said confidently.

Louis stopped laughing and looked at me.

"Are you serious? Are you really going to date a girl for more than 8 months? The past 4 girls you were with lasted 4 months!"

"Louis, look at my face. I'm dead serious." I said with a stern voice.

He shrugged and walked upstairs to his room.

I sat down and thought about a few things.

Can I really do this? Am I able to be with a girl for more than 8 months? Is girl number 20 going to be...the one?

"Oh girl number 20! I hope you can change me." I say to myself.

I grabbed my shoes and decided to go out for a walk to clear my head. I held my head down throughout the whole walk, and I could feel the California heat on the back of my head. Suddenly a person bumped into me.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." I said with my head still down.

I noticed a book on the ground and picked it up for them.

"No it's my fault, I shouldn't be reading and walking at the same time, haha."

I realized it was a girl speaking. I looked up to see a black haired, blue eyed girl. Her skin was perfectly tan, and she wore a light, purple shirt and white shorts and a black headband to keep her hair out of her face. Her hair was wavy and reached down to her waist. I also noticed she had a gold bracelet on that had a topaz gemstone. On top of that bracelet was a gold heart charm bracelet with the letter "V" on it.

Is this, fate?

", you dropped this!" I handed back her book which appeared to be Looking For Alaska by John Green.

"Thanks, I'm V-" she stopped when she looked at me.

"Out of all the days I decide to go outside, I run into Harry Styles."

"And out of all the days I decide to go outside, I run into a beautiful girl." I say, making sure to flash my charming smile.

She scoffed, rolled her eyes, grabbed her book from my hand, and walked away from me.

"Was it something I said?" I yell out to her.



And there you have it!

Sorry if it's short! :(

I feel like "The Heartbreak Kid" is going to be a good fan fic!

I'll try to find some inspiration for this one.

Anyway, I have no idea how often I'll update for this story.

Since I'm uploading chapter 21 of "When We Kissed" this Friday, I'll probably be uploading chapter 2 next Friday, Saturday, OR Sunday!

Check out "When We Kissed" if you haven't already!

Also check out my 1D blog:

Comment/Vote/Share please! :)

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