Chapter 13

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I know I know I haven't updated in like 2 weeks



Chapter 13


Harry's been gone for a month now. I've been so lonely without him, but Eleanor's been keeping me company.

She's a lovely girl, always so happy even though she's thousands of miles apart from Louis. Whenever she'd tell me an embarrasing story about Louis, I just think, "Is this guy really 21?" I he really? He's turning 22 in a few months!

I miss Harry so much, I couldn't stop doodling his name all over my notebook. I miss his curls, his beautiful green eyes, and those dimples. Oh those dimples.

Eleanor said we're leaving California on Friday. I'm really excited! Though I find it a waste of money to fly out on Friday and leave on Sunday. But I'm doing whatever I can to see him.

Ethan's been really flirty with me lately. Like after class he'd ask me if I had any plans. I'd tell him I have to go to work, it make up some excuse. He's asked me if he could take me out to dinner, but I decline everytime. Though I'm not completely off the market, I have my heart set on someone already. And that someone is Harry.

It was 4 in the afternoon and I heard my phone ringing. I checked to see who it was and a smile formed on my face when I saw who it was.


"Hey Harry," I said.

"I miss you, are you at work?" His raspy voice was also another aspect I liked about him.

"Yeah, I'm not really doing anything right now. What time is it over there?"

"About 11 in the morning. We have an interview in about an hour and a show to do at 7."

As I was about to speak, I heard a voice in the background.

"Is that Valerie? Hi Valerie! We miss you! Can't wait to see you over-"

"Sorry, that was Niall."

I laughed a little. "Well tell the boys I miss them too! I'll see you Saturday I guess since I'm leaving on Friday."

"Okay, and you're leaving..."

"Sunday morning," I said sadly.

"That's not enough time to spend with you. But I'm coming back on the 5th! Hey I gotta go, I'll call you tomorrow!"

"Bye Harry," I said and hung up the phone. Can Friday come faster?


I miss Valerie, hearing her beautiful voice always made me happy. Just talking to her once a day gets me through my day.

The interview we had was in half an hour. I'm a little reluctant to go because I'm 100% sure they're going to ask about our relationship status. Do I say I'm single? Well technically I am, but I really like Valerie. But should I expose her like that? Nah, I'll leave her name out of this.

We arrived at the studio where we met up with our interviewer, Will. He had a few cards with him that were probably filled with questions to ask us.

It was time for the interview. Cameras were everywhere and the boys and I sat on a couch while Will was in sitting in a separate seat beside us.

"It's good to have you guys here! How are you liking it here in Australia?" he asked.

"It's been good! The fans are lovely here," Liam said first. We all nodded in agreement.

"Alright, is there anything we should look forward to in the near future?"

"Yes! Our 3rd album is coming out on November 25th. We're really excited about this one," Niall said excitedly of course.

"It has a different sound to it," Zayn said.

"We worked really hard on it, and we're really proud of it too," Louis said.

I nodded. "It's called 'Midnight Memories' and I hope the fans like it!"

"Well I know I can't wait to hear it!" Will said.

The interview went on for another hour or so, and he hasn't asked us about our relationship status.

"And lastly, let's talk about relationship statuses."

I spoke too soon.

"Well I'm completely off the market," Zayn said proudly.

"Oh that's right! Congradulations by the way."

"I'm still happy with Eleanor," Louis said with a huge smile on his face.

"Sofia and I are doing great as well," Liam said.

"I'm still single!" Niall said.

"And you Harry?" Will asked.

"I'm have someone on my mind. She's a lovely girl, but I'm not going to say her name. I don't want to expose her like this," I said calmly.

"So would you say you're off the market as well?"

"Yeah, I guess." I smirked and the noticed the other boys were looking at me.

"Well thank you boys for letting me interview you, enjoy the rest of your days in Australia!"

We shook Will's hand and walked out of the studio and into the car. The show didn't start till 7 so we had some time to relax.

"I can't believe it, Harry might have a steady relationship! And one that might last longer than 8 months!" Louis exclaimed in disbelief.

I smirked again. "Well believe it Louis! I really like Valerie. She's different."



So much dialogue .__.

I made a 1D twitter! It's @nouisplsloveme

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I promise this fan fic will get better, y'all just need to be patient with me for just a little bit

The next chapter is going to be good ;-)

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