Chapter 2

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So I lied, I'll just update whenever haha.

Maybe once a week for each book!

Enjoy chapter 2!! :)


Chapter 2

Although that girl walked away from me, she still left a smirk on my face.

I wonder if I'll ever meet her again, and hopefully get her name.

I walk back to the house and saw the guys doing their own thing.

Louis was on the phone, probably talking to Eleanor, Zayn was on his phone, Liam was watching TV, and Niall was eating a pizza.

They all turned to face me after I had walked in.

"What's with the smile Harry?" Niall asked with his mouth full.

"Did you meet girl number 20?" Louis asked.

"What happened to Marie?!" Liam asked.

"They broke up earlier this afternoon. So, girl number 20! What's her name?" Louis asked.

"I don't know.." I said quietly.

"You don't know her name?" Zayn suddenly asked looking up from his phone.

"Well here's the story. I was walking and she bumped into me. When I saw her, I thought she looked like an angel-"

"He said that about Haley..." Louis said cutting me off.

"As I was saying! She was stunning and I picked her up her book that she had dropped and right when she was about to tell me her name, she stopped when she looked at me. She said, 'Out of all the days I decide to go outside, I run into Harry Styles.' I thought she was surprised, you know? Boy was I wrong...she scoffed and walked away from me! Yet I ended up with this stupid smirk on my face."

"Have you ever had a girl react like that before?" Liam asked.


"And you have no idea what her name is?" Zayn asked.

"Well I know that it starts with a 'V'! I saw it on her bracelet."

"At least you know something about her." Niall said.

He's right, at least I know something about her. But I wanted to know more! Like what her name is, and her favorite color, and what she likes to read...I want to know more about this mystery girl.

"You guys, how do I keep a girl for more than 8 months?" I asked.

"Well, you have to learn how to appreciate her, and care for her, and -"

"But I already know how to do all of that!" I exclaimed cutting off Louis.

"From what I've seen with the other 19 girls, you kind of get bored of them after a while..." Niall said.

"Yeah that's true! You do start to lose interest in them." Liam said in agreement.

I thought about it for a while and realized they were right. They were always so clingy to me...maybe because I'm Harry Styles and I'm part of One Direction. But this girl was different! She barely acknowledged me, and I crave her attention.

I went up to my room to take a nap. My head needed to be cleared, again.


"Harry...Harry....Harry!" I heard a girl's voice from a distance. I ran towards the voice and ended up finding a girl waiting for me. The same girl from the park. But this time we were on top of a cliff.

She gave me a warm smile and started walking backwards.

"Hey, come back! You shouldn't walk too close to the edge." I yelled out.

She laughed and kept walking. I started walking towards her to keep her away from the edge.

"Please, stop!" I yelled again.

Surprisingly she did stop and we were both on the edge of the cliff.

I tried grabbing her arm, but instead she moved out of the way causing me to fall.


I woke up from my horrible nightmare, only to discover sweat all over me.

I was breathing extremely hard and tried to catch my breath.

"It was only a dream Harry...only a dream." I say to myself.

I looked at my clock and saw it was time for dinner. I got out of my bed and headed towards the kitchen.

"You guys, I really need to see that girl again." I said to them.

"I've never seen you so interested in a girl before!" Louis said.

"This one's really different! She's got me wanting her attention. It's the complete opposite this time."

"Well hopefully you'll see her again." Niall said.

"Yeah hopefully..."


"Anyone want Starbucks? Hurry up I'm about to leave!" I yell from the front door.

"Here's the list!" Louis said running towards me.

"I'll be back in 15."

I hopped into my Range Rover and drove to Starbucks. When I walked inside, I noticed it was empty. I guess it wasn't lunch time yet.

"Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?" the sweet lady asked me.

"Yes can I get 2 caramel frappuccinos, 1 vanilla bean, 1 white chocolate mocha frappuccino, and 1 caramel macchiato." I said kindly.

"And your name?"

"The 2 caramel fraps are for Niall and I, Harry, the vanilla bean is for Louis, the white chocolate is for Zayn, and the caramel macchiato is for Liam. Sorry, the boys get mad whenever they see my name on all of them."

"Haha that's alright, the drinks will be ready in a little bit."

"Thank you, umm..Rhonda!"

"You're welcome dear!"

I got out of line and decided to go wait at a table.

"No, I'm just now ordering. Some guy in front of me was taking forever!" I heard a girl say.

I turned to see who it was and my eyes widened the second I saw her.

Is that...her?

"Take a picture buddy, it'll last longer." she said.

I guess I've been staring at her for too long.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" I asked.

"No I don't th-" she stopped. Oh boy, what is she going to say this time?

"You! Why do we keep seeing each other?!"

"Coincidence?" I said with a cheeky smile.

"Ugh. Can't some Directioner switch lives with me already?" she groaned.

"It's not my fault! I'm here to pick up some drinks for the lads and I!" I said defending myself.

"Lads? Ha, that's a funny word." she scoffed.

"Americans.." I scoffed back. "Anyway, can I at least get your name this time."

"Fat chance." she said in a serious tone.

"Vanilla bean frappuccino for Valerie!"

"Shit." I heard her mutter under her breath.

"Valerie, eh?" I said smiling.

"Yeah my name's Valerie. Now you know! Can you leave me alone now?"

"Fat chance!" I said mocking her.

She rolled her eyes and walked out of the Starbucks.

Valerie, I like that name.

"Harry! Your order is ready!" Rhonda yelled out.

"Thanks Rhonda!"

I waved goodbye and headed back home.

When I stepped inside, the guys all grabbed their drinks from me.

"You guys won't believe this! I ran into her again!" I said in excitement.

"Did you get her name this time?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, it's Valerie!"



Hopefully y'all will like this fan fic!

If you want your name to be used in this fan fic for future chapters, just comment!!! I'll need 17 names. :)

And just a reminder that chapter 21 of When We Kissed will be posted on Friday! :)

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