Chapter 6

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I'm currently watching The X Factor while writing this

I'm wrote this on Thursday (which was yesterday)

But I uploaded it today (Friday)

Enjoy! :)


Chapter 6


I got home after spending the day with Valerie. I love how hardworking she is! Especially for a company like that. I noticed how she bites her lip at times and her concentration face is actually, really cute.

And lunch..lumch was almost perfect.

Keyword: almost.

That stupid Tyler guy ruined it.

Okay well he didn't do it intentionally...he was just doing his job as our waiter.

And Valerie was right, I have no right to be jealous. We're not even dating.

But when she kissed me on the cheek, I wanted to be with her. Sure it was a small kiss but I wanted more. They made me feel...good? I don't know how to explain the feeling but it was definitely a good feeling.

"Harry! I thought you were just going to visit Valerie at work?" I heard Zayn say to me as he walked into my room.

"Yeah but I hung out with her for a while and thenI took her out for lunch at Charlie's. And don't worry, I got her number."

"Attaboy! Are you going to text her?"

"Later tonight, she's probably busy right now."

"Alright, you should invite her over one day. The boys and I kind of miss her." he chuckles.

I chuckle back but realize it was too soon to invite her over here.

I want to take it slow with her. I want to enjoy every moment with her.

I'm going to change for the better, for her.

I decided to take a little nap. I think the food I ate is making me a little sleepy.

*a few moments later*

I woke up by the noise of a few clicks, followed my laughter.

"Sh! Sh! Shut up you guys! He's waking up!" I hear someone say.

"What's going on?" I said groggily.

"Shit get out!" I think that was Louis who said that.

I woke up from my nap completely and looked for my phone if I missed any calls or had any texts. I had one text from Liam.

From: Liam

Check out the text we sent to "Valerie the Great" ;) Ur lucky we didn't tweet it!

Shit. What did they do while I was asleep?! I hope it's not too embarrasing.

To: Valerie The Great

Hey Valerie, it's the boys and we're texting you from Harry's phone. Thought we'd send you a little something ;)

-Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn

Attached to the text was a few pictures of me sleeping and a video.

Okay so the pictures aren't so bad, it's just the video I'm worried about.

I pressed play and was embarrased by what I saw. It was me singing, "Valerie...Valerie...Why don't you come on over...Valerie..."

I felt the heat on my cheeks as soon as the videos ended. I'm going to get them back, but I'll need help.

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