The Beginning

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S T E F & L E N A

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"Kids you're all going to be late for school!" Lena bellowed up the stairs for the fifth time that morning.

Sighing, she looks back to her wife who had just finished sealing the last homemade peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a zip lock bag. "I really have to get to this meeting, they're just going to have to all hitch a ride with Brandon."

"It's okay, love, calm down everything will be fine." Stef says while smoothing down a piece of frazzled hair that had fallen in front of her wife's golden brown eyes. "You know I'm always in your head if you need any kind of support."

Smiling at the notion she presses her forehead into her wifes. She wants to tell her that she loves her out loud, but she knows Stef can hear her say it a million times in her mind.

They stay like that for a while; Lena's hands on Stef's waist, Stef's hands tangled in Lena's hair. Their breathing is in sync - for a moment they're back at 25 when their eyes first lit up for each other under the first moon of November - but only until their five kids are piling around them making a fuss about the unfair uses of telepathy.

"Believe me, kids, once you turn 20 and leave us for your star mate, you'll want to be 'gross' with them all the time too." Stef says after kissing her wife before walking out the door to her ride to work.

"Your mother's right, once you find your person nothing else matters." Lena adds, clearing her throat to get the attention of the brown haired boy she called her son and the brown haired girl they had just adopted who wouldn't stop staring each other.

And once she found that her kids were back at the appropriate distance from each other, once again she allowed herself to shuffle out the door and get to the meeting she had been dreading all week.

+ + +

'It feels like I'm going to throw up.' Stef hears her wife echo into her brain. In the fifteen years that they had been together she could still never get used to the odd sensation when they spoke to each other through their minds.

'Lena I've been listening to you sike yourself out over this for the past hour - you're going to be perfect. You didn't do anything wrong.'

Lena smiles, remembering that she had forgotten to cut the ties to their telepathy before work. Something they had both agreed on when Stef decided she wanted to be a police officer; she didn't want Lena to have to hear anything that would scare her while she was working or at home.

'Well I'm sorry you had to listen to me all morning why didn't you just cut me?'

'Because I love you and I told you I was going to be here for you whenever you needed me, and it just seemed like you needed someone - me - to listen to you.'

'You're perfect, you know that?' Lena sends back, trying not to whisper out loud in a conference room filled with men who might terminate her position as vice principle.

and as soon as she feels her wife receive the message she cuts the ties and starts her speech; she's finally ready.

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A/N so this is a really short part but I really wanted you all to kind of understand how this alternate universe works. A lot of the content in this story follows heavily with the canon story lines, but some things will be different so just look out for that.

I've been outta the game for a while so excuse my very rusty dialouge - I just had this wonderful thought and wanted to see if I could write it as beautifully as I see it in my head <3

The rest is going to be Brallie so I hope you enjoyed the AdamsFoster fluffy bits while they lasted. but u kno, gotta get back to my otp.

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