Stars and Secrets

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Her eyes widened at the name; her mothers name. And when she turned to the person who spoke it, their mouth parted slightly, eyes filled with hope, she couldn't help but cry.

Brandon could't help but cry too; they were connected, he felt what she felt.

She had never seen this man before -wait, maybe she had - wavy blonde hair fell in front of bright blue eyes and for a moment she hated him for saying her name, but as his footsteps grew closer, the darkness fading in the background she could see that he understood her sadness. Did he love her mother too? 

Not Possible.

Astrologists were chosen not for their willingness to participate in dedicating their entire lives to studying the stars, but because it was them who would not collide with anyone; they were not meant to be destined, not ever, not to anyone.

"My apologies" he spoke, now only steps away from them, "I see now that I've been mistaken."

His eyes drifted to the floor, only for a moment, like he was trying to fit pieces of a puzzle together. "You two are newly destined, yes? I can see it in your eyes." He laughed, seeming pleased with his keen sense of observation; it wasn't that hard to tell considering...

Callie and Brandon stand stunned, unsure of what would come next. Unlike their future, at least they could hold onto each other for support now and for however long eternity was.

Picking up his feet once more, and crossing his arms behind his back, the man motions towards a candlelit office and beckons them to follow behind. Callie nor Brandon had ever seen a building so utterly beautiful; making sure to note every detail back and fourth to each other.

The windows were all seamless glass and the only light seeping through them was from the few candles lit alongside the doors and the soft glow of the moonlight. The many plants scattered along the floors were unlike anything they had ever seen; glowing petals with colors of blues and greens, soil that sparkled like the billions of stars lighting the sky. It was like they had stepped into some kind of alternate universe that they never could have imagined. 

His fingers laced with hers pulled her along as the man continued to guide them up the spiraled stairs that led into what looked like an observatory.

At the top, instead of glass, books lined the walls all the way to ledge stopping at the ceiling; from there looking up, all they could see was stars. The man pulled out chairs lined in velvet for both of them to sit, making sure to pay extra attention to helping Callie into her seat before allowing himself to find his seat.

"Who are you?" Brandon spoke, realizing after a nudge from Callie that it may had been a bit too blunt. 'What?' he thought, squeezing her hand tighter 'you've been subconsciously asking that since we arrived.'

Aware of the duos internal monologue he finally speaks "My name is Janis, common I know" He starts, laughing at the couples obvious dismay, "My biological mother and father didn't have the most creative minds - in fact I think they named me after the first moon they could think of."

"Alas, I think we all know why you're here, and on that note please allow me to congratulate you on your extremely...rare...circumstance. You must feel immensely blessed by the stars."

His eyes grew brighter as he pulled out what looked to be a photo album and an old camera from the underneath of his desk. "Ah, here we go. Do you mind if I get a photo? It's not every day that I get to come in contact with a pair such as yourselves."

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