Stellar Collision

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'You know, they say that on a full moon the connection can be more intense than any regular day of the month.' Callie thinks, hoping Brandon would still be awake to listen to her.

It takes him a moment, but the new feeling of her speaking into his thoughts still kept him up at night; no wonder she was always tired in the mornings - the girl never slept.

'I wonder what will happen' he responds, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he rolls to his side. He liked to think that she was in the same position, only she had visibility into his bedroom and he didn't.

She smiled listening to him shift in his very creaky bed and pictured herself lying next to him; soon enough she would be able to sleep in his arms on a nightly basis and wouldn't remember what it was like sleeping alone.

'Everything has been happening so fast...first the telepathy, then the emotions thing - I never pictured myself feeling too excited about hearing everything my soulmate thought or feeling everything they felt but it's so...magical.'

He agreed, remembering telling his mothers that he didn't want to 'share a brain' with someone else; thinking it would be the most annoying thing that could ever happen to anyone. But every time he felt Callie get excited about something, or listen to her go on and on about something in her head it made him the happiest man alive. He was so happy and felt so incredibly privileged to know her like this.

'Ugh, this whole thing is turning me into such a sap.'

She couldn't hold in her laughter for that one, mostly because she was thinking the same thing. She had become that girl , and in the past it had been her worst nightmare; to care about someone so much it could physically hurt...but somehow her nightmare turned into the best dream ever and she had no desire to wake up.

The line between the two of them went silent for a moment - both relishing in each others calm and loving energy. It should have been enough to lull them both to sleep but there was something much bigger to discuss and if they liked it or not the time was almost up to tell their mothers of their destiny.

Brandon could feel her mood shift, almost like flipping a light off in a scary room; he knew she was scared to tell them.

'So tomorrow then, right?' She asked, much harder to hear this time. Like her voice had moved from the front of his head to the way back.

And he wished that he could tell her they'd postpone, but they made a commitment to a day and if they pushed it back once who knows how many more times they would keep shrugging it off.

'It's like ripping a band aid off, right? It hurts when the adhesive pulls at the hair but once you let the wound breathe it feels better and can heal properly.'

'Brandon Foster you really do know how to use a metaphor.' She responds, louder this time, and he can feel her energy grow brighter.

'Yes we will tell them tomorrow, but only after we've enjoyed the party and had cake. I only turn eighteen once you know.'

He agrees and they sit in silence once more, occasionally sharing a thought here and there until he feels his eyes twitch and a sudden rush of exhaustion washes over him. With heavy hands he grabs his phone to check the clock.

'Callie it's three a.m.'

They couldn't keep staying up this late.


No answer.

'How the hell did you fall asleep that fast?'

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