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'Voicemail again, shit' 

"Callie? What's wrong? Why aren't you picking up?"  Brandon slammed his finger down on the 'end' button of his phone once again before picking himself up from the bed he was sharing with his girlfriend.

"You're got to be kidding me! She calls and you literally pause from having sex with ME and then immediately go to her rescue." Cort was fuming. She thought - well she had convinced herself - that whatever Brandon and Callie had was over and he would be hers until they met their soul mates. 

"I'm literally lying here, completely naked -on the verge of coming again  I might add - and you're just going to leave?"

Brandon doesn't say anything, he knows if he walks out that door whatever he had with Cort would be over, only the thing was he really didn't give a shit.

When he slips on his other shoe sitting on the edge of the bed, he sighs to himself realizing that what he's doing is crazy; leaving a beautiful girl naked in bed for another beautiful girl who is supposed to be his sister. 

Only aside from how beautifully similar Callie and Cort were in a physical standpoint there was a major difference emotionally that trumped any level of attraction.

Truthfully he didn't ever worry about Cortney like he did Callie. It was selfish and wrong, and he knew Callie could handle herself, probably better than Cortney, but he still spent a lot of his time thinking about what she was feeling, if she needed him, if she wanted him..and when she did, when he felt like she was in trouble he came running as fast as he could; never looking back to see how bad the consequences would be.

And no matter how angry at him she was at the time, no matter how many times she told him to "fuck off" he would sit by her. 

She was a terrible liar anyways.

+ + +

Shifting his car in park once he reached his usual spot in the student parking lot, the day was basically over; all of his peers in their final classes.

He figured he would wait and just offer to take her home later, or wherever she wanted to go really. Maybe they could visit Daphne at work and grab a milkshake or something. 

He felt guilty when he knew he had no reason to, it didn't stop him from feeling that way - that seemed to be the story of his life nowadays.

Sitting in his car alone, he felt strange. He had woken up with a sense of euphoria and now everything was just...strange.

Time passed and the uneasy feeling he was experiencing extended into the sweaty palms of his hands, odd for such a cool day. It was like his body was angry at him and in return for being such a shitty friend to the girl he loved he was paying for it profusely in sweat. Wonderful.

When the bell finally rung he got out of his car and watched as his classmates piled out of the building in a more frantic manner than usual, but he shook it off remembering that it was Friday and everyone was probably just eager to get to some party later. 

Maybe Callie would want to go, he thought, making a mental note to make up the lunch absence in literally any way she wanted; even if that meant dragging himself to some party with a bunch of people he hated and had no desire to get to know. 

Shrugging off the notion that he would be going to a party later, his eyes continue to scan the crowd for Callie - making sure to take note of his other siblings whereabouts in the process. 

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