Pam's Death

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The death of Danny Tanner's wife Pamela, often remains a mystery. The only clue given was that she was killed by a drunk driver. So, here I will give you a short story of how Pam experienced her death. Fun...

I hopped in my car with two grocery bags. I checked to make sure that I remember everything for dinner and my 9 month Michelle. It was pretty late and I needed to get home soon so I left the store quickly pulling into the highway. Then, I looked to my side view mirror to see a tipsy man swerving into my lane. I immediately switched lanes and went ahead of him hoping to lose him somewhere along the way. I caught my breath and erased the image from my head. Suddenly, I heard loud noises coming up behind me. It sounded like a new motorcycle engine or a new car and I panicked. I tried to avoid anything and everything, but it was too late. The car I encountered before, hit the back of my car pushing me into a ditch. The impact must've been pretty rough, because my whole stomach hurt like crazy and my head felt like a boulder. I tried to dial the phone to get help, but my limbs felt so weak and fragile. I just had to give up.

I know I know. Depressing ending.
But did you guys like it? Do you have any other short stories you want me to do? Comment below! I would be very happy to write them!

Full House FandomsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora