Chapter 4

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As my eyes slowly opened I realized that my room was still pitch black, I looked at my clock, 4:15 a.m.nI closed my eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep, but it was no use, I just wasn't tired. I got out bed jumping a little bit when my feet touched the cold wood floor, I opened up the drawer of my bedside table and pulled out my slippers. I walked over to my window and opened it enough to feel the weather, it was freezing outside.

I decided to wear a pair of dark blue jeans, a yellow tank top, and a blue plaid jacket. I combed through my long dark hair and pulled it into a braid at the back of my head.As I slid on my cowgirl boots I realized that I was hungry.

I walked downstairs quietly so that I wouldn't desturb my parents. When I walked into the kitchen I grabbed 2 granola bars and a glass of orange juice. I grabbed the key for the barns and chicken coops and then walodd outside. It was freezing! I walked to the chicken coop my arms folded across my chest, I unlocked it and then walked to the barns and unlocked each of them. I walked over to Ace's stall and hopped over the gate, I grabbed the brush and started to groom him, when I was finished I fed him some carrots and led him outside to the water trough. After I led him back into the stall I decided to take a walk and finish my breakfast.

As I was walking I noticed a car that looked a lot like Blake's, then 2 people walked out the front door, one of which I noticed was Blake, and some really pretty girl, I hid behind a thick tree so he wouldn't think I was stalking him or something crazy like I have a crush on him or something because I most certainly do not. The girl looked a lot like Stephana Hurley. Blake looked at Stephana and wrapped her In a hug and kissed her, before gettimg in his car and driving down the road I was standing on, I jumped into a bush that was beside the tree but I landed on a thorn bush and I had to bite my sleeve to not scream. I started to cry scince I landed on my back into the thorn bush. And I never cry. I got up after Blake passed by I ran back home taking a short cut through Cory Fields yard.

I walked into the house and into the kitchen to get an ice pack, because I banged my shoulder off a rock during my dive into the bushes. Just then my mom came down. "What happened Jordan?"

"I fell" I lied

"How?" It is just like her to ask that question.

"I was riding my bike and I hit a bump"

"Well you took quite a fall hun, can you move your shoulder?"

"Ow... not really" I said moving my shoulder.

"Okay let's go to the doctors to check it out"

After the doctors office...

"Jordan go upstairs and rest"

"But I am not tired"

"Then you can watch t.v either way you dislocated your shoulder and you need to take it easy"

"Fine but take good care of Ace"

"Don't worry Jordan I will"

I walked upstairs and changed into my track pants and a tank top. I got into bed and turndd on the t.v but soon fell asleep.

1 hour later...

I woke up due to throbbing in my shoulder, I walked downstairs to get an ice pack, but I decided to look out the window and spy on Blake. No way, I can't believe my mom would let him take care of Ace. And of course I can't do any thing about it. But boy oh boy is he gonna get a piece of me tomorrow.

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