Chapter 1: I'm Sorry

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Callie's POV

"No. We can't because it's true" oh God. No. Did I really just tell them? I'm such an Idiot. Moms arn't even saying anything. I wish they would say something. Anything. I would rather Steph scream at me than stare at my with her raged expression any longer. I can't even look away. I want to. Oh, how I wish I could break this agonizing eye contact with Steff.

Just when I feel like I am about to have even more of a mental breakdown than I was already in the midst of I hear Lena clear her throat... Here it comes.

"I'm sorry. What did you just say?" I could tell she was wishing as hard as she could that they were both misunderstanding, which made it even harder to answer her.

"We can't sue Justina for the whole Brandon rumor because it's true." I paused for a quick moment before continuing. "I...I did have sex with Brandon"

I finally managed to look away. I now was watching my hands nervously play with the whole in my jeans while I waited for one of moms to say something else.

It feels like we were waiting around in complete silence for minutes. I barely notice the busy background noises coming from the hall until the bell rings signaling everyone to scurry to their next class. I don't dare to move. I think I have finally gathered enough courage to speak again. I look away from my hands and back to moms who are both staring at the floor with concerned looks on their faces. I don't know what to say right now to make the situation any better so I decide to keep my words inside my head.

I want to tell them that I'm sorry and that I never meant to hurt them. They were never supposed to find out. I want to tell them that the love that Brandon and I share is over but I know that would be a lie. Our love used to be a roaring fire that consumed both of our souls, but it has dulled to a small flame. We have tried to extinguish it but we have failed time and time again. Now we just let it be. The flame is there when we need it to warm our hearts. The flame is good. And I know that it will burn for eternity. I have moved on. I have. I am happy for Brandon and Cort, and I like AJ now but that doesn't mean I don't love Brandon.

A few high pitched beeps pull me out of my thoughts. I look to see where the noise is coming from and watch Steff uncross her arms and dig for her pager out of her pocket. Once she found it she said " I have to um, go. I have to go back to work"

She turns to towards the door and started to walk away.

"Steph" Lena quietly said. Steph turned back around but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry!" I spit out as the tears continued to stream down my face.

"NO! No I CAN NOT deal with this right now. I need to go. I need to leave!" She replied while avoiding looking in my direction. And with that she exited Mommas office.

I shift my focus to Lena, who is visibly uncomfortable. This is strange territory for her compared to her usual calm and collective nature. I have always admired that about her. But now, in this moment even she is upset. She takes a small step towards me and opens her mouth but no words come out.

"Lena..." I begin. "Please say something. I'm really sorry and we never meant for you guys to find like this"

"Callie, honey, I really don't know what you w-"

Out of nowhere a loud crack meets our ears and both of us become stricken with terror.

"Was that-" I begin to trail off .

"Gunshot" She finishes my sentence for me even though I already knew the answer to my question. Lena raises her hand to meet her forehead as she frantically searched her mind for what she needs to do. I'm sure the whole school heard it. There's no way they could have missed it. The halls are quiet, but I know that is only while everyone processes what they just heard. "Callie, stay in here, and be absolutely silent. No not move or do anything, I mean it" she orders me as she turns off the light and closes the door behind her.

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