Chapter 2 - Kyal

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He sat at his computer. Kyal was enjoying his computer game when his phone abruptly went off. He moved to his room. He read the message his pale blue eyes turned from a mellow expression to an unsettled and scared one. Why would she want to do this? he thought to himself, she seemed fine when I talked to her the other night. Even though Kyal and Lola were in different countries, they were still close friends. They never let the ocean between hem keep them from being friends.

 The next thing he did was call Lola and ask her why, the other end picked up in 3 rings "hello?" a femine voice called, "Lola? It's Kyal," he answered,  the next few moments were silent except one another hearing the other person breathing. Eventually Lola broke the silence"Kyal? i guess you got my message"

"yes i did, Lola why  are you doing this? You asked me this before hand" he had a point, one of their last convensations was spent talking about her thinking about running away.

"I can't do this anymore, Kyal. I can't wait another two years for you to come over." She sounded so scared and unsure it frightened him that she was going to do something stupid.

"Where would you go?" he asked her, again a long pause, this time it lasted longer then the last one. what seemed like minutes passed, Lola once again broke the awkward silence.

"i don't know, but i do know this: anywhere but here" and she hung up.

By this point he was scared. He through his phone acroos the room in frustration then ran a hand through his dark hair. she talked to him about this before hand but never thought that she would go through it.


After Lola got off the phone she ran again going over her plan in her head when she ran into the two people she never wanted to run into, at least not tonight. Lily and Chase.

"Hey Lola where you going?" Lily called out to her,

"no where really why?" She called back.

"don't lie Lola," Chase called "we know what your up to, we heard their conversation as well. So what are you doing?" Lola could tell that both of them were scared for her, this is what she would expect to happen, her best friends looking out for her.

"Saving a friend," she told them, they looked at each other in confusion "I heard Hayley telling Rose that she was going to take Kyal away from me when she first sees him. Hayley even got Rick to hack into my computer to find out about him." Lola explained

"What do you mean? Hayley never talks to Rick" Lily walked up to her with a scared look on her face. Suddenly understanding she stepped back, ran a hand through her hair and screamed startling both Lola and Chase. "She hates you that much?" Lily asked her

"Obviously" Lola replied, now it was Chase's turn to walk up to her

"what do you mean? what happened?" he desperately asked, before Lola could answer Lily called from behind him.

"She means that  Hayley slept with Rick so he could hack Lola's computer instead of asking her," now Chase backed up looking surprised

"So she is the slut that you's always thought she was?" They nodded. "Shit, Lola you got to tell him, why you out here?" He asked her.

"I can't tell him online because of my computer being compromised and the fact that he's studying for the next 2 weeks and he doesn't get here for another few months." She shouted and it was true, they had agreed to for him to come over when he turned 18 which was in a few months, "so the only way to tell him is going to him, please don't tell anyone" she begged. After consideration both Lily and Chase nodded   

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