Chapter 4 - Broken Reality

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sorry for they very late up date, i have had exams to study for and assignment now i'm just doing the best i can since a guy in my class hit a volleyball into my thumb and hurts bad plus i ran out of ideas to type on top of the fact that i had things to think about after giving a pretty personal speach to my school but yeah things happen. The first 2 lines i had already done so yeah hope yous enjoy the chapter

Sorry for any typos as i'm slightly disadvantaged with typing

please note lola's dream, this is a dream i have had over a few nights and always gets me scared. i don't need therepy or anything like that, this dream shows me that people can't accept me for who i am

She broke her promise. She promised to never loose hope, but she had lost all meaning of the word, as she lay on his couch he wondered where she got the knife from. All at once he realised how much she ment to her, what his best friend ment to him, she seemed so peaceful he was afraid she was going to go awake scared and hurtful.

"what are you dreaming of?" he asked her but she obviously didn't hear him but his companion behind him did

"she's probably dreaming a dream" he told her

"No shit" Kyal retaliated,  "Dad? what was she doing with your pocket knife?" he asked his father.

"When I was over seas I travelled to South Australia. I was about to take off when she came up to me and asked for a ride to here, she was looking for you" he calmly told his youngest son.

"Why me? and why now? why couldn't she wait for me to come to her in a few months" he asked frustrated.

"That's for her to tell you, she only told me so I would give her a ride" he stated, "if she hadn't I..." he stopped

"you what dad?" Kyal asked him,

"I wouldn't have seen how much she cares for you" he told him, He patted Kyal's shoulder and let them be alone for a while.

but what does that mean? he mentally asked himself searching his friends face for any signs that she was ok

Lola's dream (note: this is set in the past)

Lola sat outside the frount of her house on the pgone to her best friend, Celsey, talking about the up coming holidays. the phone convensation when for roughly an hour before she hung up and went inside. Her mum was at her sisters swimming lesson and her dad at cricket training. She was alone in the house, so she thought. she started making pasta for dinner before she heard a noice out the back, thinking it was the cat she continued with her dinner. After placing it in the micowave she jumped on the computer and started talking to Kyal via voice chat, he noticed her stop mid sentence.

"what's wrong?" he asked her wondering why she had stopped,

"I thought i heard a noice," she told him "probably the cat knocked something over" she proposed blaming the cat again, just as she was about to start her sentence again she heard the noice. This time it got her scared. This time it was louder. "Now I know there's something not right" she exclaimed and jumped out of the chair taking her phone with her about to call the police.

She slowly waked to the back door through the kitchen knife on her way, she might be small but she knew how to defend herself, she opened the blinds knowing she couls see a lot for where she stood. Once knowing that was clear she walked to the front door and opened it never taking a foot outside. Once she was satisfied to went back to her computer, typed 'i'm going to eat my dinner' walking to the micowave. She put the knife down as she ate her dinner. When she was done she put her dishes in the dishwasher and went back to the computer chatting to Kyal about whatever it was that they cam up with.

Half an hour later she heard the noice again but this time it was much closer then last time. jumping from her chair and racing for the knife in the kitchen to find it wasn't there. Backing away slowly she made her way back towards the computer where her phone lie on the desk. Trying to stop her hands from shaking she called 000.

"Whats your emergancy?" the operator asked her.

"I think there's someone in my house" she told the voice on the other end, keeping her voice from shaking," i keep hearing noices and each time its closer then the last."

"what noices are you hearing?" the operator asked her,

"smashing noices, like a pot breaking on the ground and kocking like on a door" she answered completely forgetting that kyal was on voice chat. Just as she was about to speak she heard the knocking noice again but this time, sounding like it was directly behind her. She sceamed and almost dropped her phone, she ran into the kitchen grabbing another knife before turning around finding the biggest jerk from school infront of her: Blake

"Blake how did you find me?" she frantiquly asked him, no reply. Out of no where someone was behind her now, the one of Blake's friends: Tyler. "How did you guys find me?" she asked then both turning from one guy to the next before sighting something in Blakes hand: the knife that went missing. She tried to run but Blake stopped her before Lola felt a sharp pain in her stomach, she backed away but into Tyler before another shot of pain went through her body, this time in her back

"This is what you get for being a real bitch Lola" he whispered in her ear, "no one will miss you and no one will save you" he told her before dropping her to the ground. He then kicked her in the ribs making her lose all breath, there were then to loud bangs almost imediatly followed by two for sharp pain bursts, then both Blake and Tyler left leaving her on the ground. She held the phone to her ear and said that she was shot and stabbed. The things on her mind was whether her blood would stain the floor boards, whether she would see her family again and whether she would be able to talk to Kyal again. As more blood was leaving her body she started becoming weak, tired and cold. The last thing she saw was feet in front of her before passing out from blood loss.

She awoke and screamed becuase of the dream, it seemed so reel even though she knew it was't true. Taking in her suroundings she realised she wasn't in the hospital and she wasn't home. She was in Kyal's lounge room. Lola fratiquly searched her body for any for any holes where the two bullets and knife entered her body. Suddenly there was another noice behind her, it wasn't like the dream but even in the state she was in made her scream once again.

so hope you guys liked it, it probably sucks and i try my best so yeah. Big questions to think about while i write the next chapter, 1. who/what was behind her? 2. who/what was the last thing she saw in her dream? and also i'm going to keep this breif because i have a really big mouth and cant keep a secret but there is some things reveiled in the next chapter so yeah. i'm not pressing for you guys to vote, comment or stuff like that but if you like the book then it would be appriciated and i'll update when i can since xmas is comming up and my cuz is coming over for teh next 2 days and were watching walking dead yay!

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