Chapter 8 - I see fire

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After their bonding, Kyal and Lola lay on his couch. she was asleep and had been for a while, Kyla just accepted this and watched T.V. Eventually Chris had com in and sat in the arm chair noticing the situation.

"you know that you can take her to your room right" he whispered to him not wanting to wake Lola up,

"yes I know, I just... was watching T.V" he replied. Gently standing up, he carried Lola in a  bridal style into his room and placed her on his bed successfully not waking her. Turning off the light he grabbed pillows and blankets from the cupboard just outside then went into the lounge and arranged them so they were comfortable, he watched T.V for a bit longer before turning it off and going to sleep at 2:00 in the morning, mum won't mind, its a weekend he thought as he welcomed sleep.


Lola rose that morning after a weird dream. Sitting up, she realised that she was in Kyal's  room and not on the couch and was able to look at it properly. the room held cream walls with posters of games and photos of friends and family. the brown carpet that was throughout the house made its way into this room as well, he had a queen bed with white sheets and black pillow and quilt over the top. She walked out the room through the lounge room into the kitchen, noticing the blankets and pillows on the couch. As she entered the lounge room she noticed as well there was someone on the couch, thinking they were asleep, she crept into the kitchen to find Chris with some coffee.

"want some?" he offered taking a mug from the cupboards behind him,

"please" she accepted, talking a seat at the island bench watching him make the coffee, "who's on the couch?"

"Kyal is" he answered, "he took you to his room, grabbed blankets and pillows and slept on the couch"

"he should have taken the bed" she thought aloud.

"well Kyal has always put others before him, its how he rolls" he explained. "remind you of anyone?"

"me" she replied.

"he kept saying how you helped him with his problems and he never really knew how to thank you so he made sure everything with everyone else was ok before checking himself." he explained. Chris left the kitchen after making her coffee leaving her to it and her thoughts eventually she got up crept pasta  still sleeping Kyal and had a shower, she found shampoo and conditioner that she could use and washed her hair singing I see fire - Ed Sheeran. She got out and got and screamed when she found Kyal in the room.

"I thought you were asleep!" she yelled at him,

"I was until 5 mins ago, these were mum's old clothes so they should fit you" he told her placing some clothes on the bed and walking out allowing her to get dressed. She shrugged on the shirts and shirts and looked in the mirror, she continued singing the song as she left the room completely unaware the Kyal had been waiting outside the door. "Where you going?" he asked her hot on her heals,

"to finish the coffee your bother made me while you were still snoring" she replied walking into the kitchen taking the cup and kept drinking.

"yeah I see, what were you singing?" he asked again,

"what you mean?" she answered his question with one of her own.

"In the shower and coming out of my room singing, what's the song called?" he asked again, this time emphasising on what he meant,

"oh, it's not mine, I see fire by Ed Sheeran, I love it"

"to me any song to sing I like, sing a bit" he told her,

"no" she said quickly,

"please?" he pleaded.

"Ok fine but you can't smile or you'll distract me and I'll hit you" she glared at him until he had stopped smiling on the other side of bench which didn't matter because she closed her eyes. "I see fire, inside the mountain. I see fire, burning the trees. I see fire, hollowing souls, I see fire, and I hope that you remember me" once she was done to find him smiling again but bigger this time and clapping. "oh shut up" she retorted and hit his arm. "I'm not that good,"

"are you kidding? your amazing, where did you learn that?"

"I have been singing since I was three, I told you this."

"yes you have but I still don't believe it," he sighed then went into his room and came out wearing t-shirt and long shorts. "Besides it's better then I'll ever be"

"that is only the case if you believe it and will it to happen" she told him wisely

"wow you got smarter" he gasped.

"That was your way of saying 'I just got owned'" she spat before throwing a pillow at him which he caught unfortunately,

"you think so huh?" and that's when the two started having a pillow fight.


she said she would be home soon Lilly kept thinking as she continued her geography test. Once the bell rang she and Chase left geography and they started to walk to her house.

"how long did she say she was going to be away?" they heard the cocky voice behind them, turning around they saw Rose with Hayley, "I mean is she sick?"

"No she isn't sick, a family member of hers has cancer and because she is that caring she is spending the time she has with them," Lilly answered. "Whixh is something i wouldn't see you guys doing anytime soon"

"what ever" they said together and walkng into them ran off,

"i swear if they start something" Chase tried to advance on them but lilly held him back.

"they aren't worth it" those four words she spoke reminded them of Lola, she would say them all the time. "lets just go." walking side by side they contined to walk to Lilly's house. the walk was pleasant but helpful at the same time.

Once they got to her house Chase's phone sarted ringing, looking at the caller ID he answered it and put it on loud speaker "hello?"

"name the person that deserves a punch" Lola stated on the other end "because I'm coming home tomorrow"

"well," Lilly started "Hayley and Lola could deserve one or two each" she explained as they walked into the door

"Lola I'm not having you punch anyone, that's my job" a male voice told her in the background

"yeah well not your fight." She retorted "look i have to make sure kyal packs the right things so see you when i get back" she hung up leaving Chase and Lilly jumping for joy

just to clarify, when i say 'bonding' it doesn't mean sexual. Kyal and Lola did NOT have sex, it was friendly bonding. i named the chapter after the song because well i did :D

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