Chapter 3 - Find me

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 Kyal was home alone with his parents not caring what he did as long as he was home by 5:30. he looked at the clock and it read 3:00. Two and a half hours he thought. He had two and a half hours to find out where she would go and why she ran away in the first place. He looked through their past convensations until he found it "if you found your way to New Zealand where would you go?" he had asked her, she replied with "the beach."

Lola said she loved the beach because of the ocean, she loved the water, she loved the feeling of water in her hair and on her. She esspecially loved swimming, she had been swimming since she was a baby and gotten runners up in her age group two year in a row, it was like swimming was her life. Thats is where she would go. He left the house running as fast as he could, he needed to get there find her and get back before his parents got home. he took all the short cuts that he knew which led to the one place. The beach. He was a fast runner adn it would probably take roughly 20 minutes to get there, depending how fast he ran. He grabbed his phone incase anyone ran to ask where he was, locked up the house turned and ran for his life

Taking as many shortcuts as he could he made his way to the beach, he needed to keep going no matter how tired he wasTaking all the short cuts he knew that would get him there faster when he got there, the first thing he saw was someone sitting at the water’s edge. Lola sat there staring into the ocean. When Luc had reached her, he helped her stand and said, “You need to go back” and she agreed but he couldn't see it. No one could. The big dream that they had of him coming over when he was 18 was only just a dream. Dreams dont come true lola kept telling herself, they only stay dream, things you can hope on to keep on going.

She didn't come to New Zealand to get away from everything back home. She got away to see him before she could see anything.


Lola became shocked as the one person she would never expect it from ran towards her and gave her the biggest hug he could. she could tell that she meant a lot to him. They stayed there for a while before she pulled away and took the pocket knife from her pocket. showing him. before she had a chance to explain his face turned from pleased to scared. She thought this would happen but never imagined it on him. It even scared her.

"Lola what's that in your hand?" he franticly asked her, he started to come towards her and have a look but she wouldn't let him. She backed away hiding her hand behind her back, her face blank hiding any sign of emotion. "Lola I just want to help, please let me help,. Please!" he pleaded. Kyal never pleaded to anyone. That scared him the most.

As she continued to step back he wondered what brought her here in the first place but in a time like this, asking her that wasn't the first thing on his mind. Lola knew that he wouldn't stop until he had the knife and she knew it. Knowing there was no why she was going to win she threw the knife at his feet. Kyal picked it bent down to pick it up and Lola saw her opportunity, she turned and ran as far as she could knowing that he was a fast runner and that running on sand was virtually impossible.

Once she got off sand she hit cement and found her footing, she knew that he was behind her just didn't know how far and turning around to find out would cost her speed. Lola kept her pace turning corners wherever she could, knocking things like bins and boxes over to slow Kyal down but no matter what she put in his path he avoided it. She could hear him shouting, "come back Lola" behind her and each time he said it he sounded closer.

The cement eventually turned into grass for they had entered the park or a place with grass, Lola wasn't sure but she just kept on running. She started to grow tired and her legs were jelly but she kept going any way. Her body kept saying give up he's going to catch you and your tired but her mind kept saying keep going , no matter what you do keep going and she listened not wanting to see what look was on Kyal's face. Eventually she couldn't run any more, she had to stop. No sooner did she stop that she passed out. As Kyal approached her he started to take the shape of what she was holding. "No... it can't be" but it was, what he had feared ever since the day many months ago... the look on her pained him, The look of fear and no hope like that one day they had talked.


It was the day after she found the truth about Kyal, Lola was a smart girl and easily worked it out

drugs? why Kyal your 15, nearly 16, drugs mess your life up she had asked him worried about her new best friend I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you would react, what your mum said last night almost had me crying to sleep he told her obviously still upset about the matter. the night before hand Lola's mum had come in wondering who she was talking to.

"he got mad really easy" she told her, "he probably has anger issues or something" as they continued talking Kyal heard it all, Lola forgot about them being in a voice chat and couldn't do anything about it once her mum turned up. The conversation went for roughly 5 minutes before her mum said "bed time ok?"

"sure mum" Lola replied and turned back to the computer screen realising her mistake. did you hear that? she asked him, there was a slight hesitation before he replied with yes she wanted to fix things but was to tired to do so plus she had to help out in the morning, look I got to go, I'll talk to you in the morning she said and signed off leaving him in a complete wreak

look i'm sorry you heard that but that her opinion of you not mine she told him desprately trying to fix things and make them as they were before. obviously it wasn't working when i was 10 i was emptying the diswasher and went to put a knife away when i stopped, i was going to cut my hand with it because i was bullied so much back then she told him trying to make a point i didnt do anything but put the knife away because i wanted to hope that there was someone out there who could help me through things and then i met you... she was crying by this point she had never told anyone about this before but now she had, things changed. you thought i was that hope? he asked her ok i will never do this again brovided you dont go back to that knife ok? ok she agreed and it was never talked about again.

hi everyone hope your well. just because i can i and i want to, i would like to thank those who have read this book and my other one. i did have a different ending to this one but at the end of lunch on friday (18-10-2013, just so i wont have to clarify the date) i came up with a different ending. anywayz the final chapter is coming up, like i said at the start this is the extended version of my assignment which i past up before i went to queensland (nice and sunny there) and found out i got a c+ which is cool considering that my teacher didn't know where i got the idea from. she thought it was from a book i read but really it wasn't. if you wnt to find out where it really came from inbox me and i'll tell you.

i'm not the person that leaves vote goals or anything like that but if you like the book so far then definatly leave one just so i know that people appreciate amature work (i'm the ameture, only writen 2 books in my life) but for now i'm leaving it here because i still have school and i got to start thinking about camp which starts next week (28/10/2013 until 1/2/1013 then its my birthday yay me!) but yeah i babble alot so i'm going to go back to my listening to youtube and let you get back to your important lives baii for now.

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