9: The race decides it all... plus, Daxterette and her new weapon!

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Jak’s P.O.V

The girls were gone for a while. While we waited, Daxter found a few orbs. “Hey Jak! There’s a ton underneath the water, like really deep, but I can’t reach ‘em cause I’m a little orange rat! Dive for those orbs, Jak, dive!” I rolled my eyes and sucked in a breath. Here goes nothing!
Daxter was right; there were about six, seven orbs below the surface.
Daxter wasn’t looking at me, so I decided to play a prank. I let myself float up to the top, spreading my arms and legs wide. I surfaced enough so my mouth was above water, so I could breathe, but stopped as Daxter heard me and turned around. “That was fast– Ah! Jak! Are you alive?” He splashed around a bit, trying in vain to turn me over. “Dude, come on!” he whined. Then he raised his voice into a shout, “Hey! Jaklyn! I think he’s dead!”
Jaklyn came rushing over, and splashed over to my face. I blew slightly then mouthed, Play along.
She nodded and smiled, before gasping and putting her hands over her face. “He… he is dead!”
Daxter screamed, “Nooooooo!” before smiling. “Hey, I know what will make me feel better! Daxterette, we never did chase those seagulls. Let’s go!”
Daxterette and Daxter left. As soon as they were gone, I sat up. Isn’t that just…
Jaklyn looked sternly towards them. “Seriously?” she whispered to me. “As far as he knows, his best friend just died, and he goes and chases gulls?
I chuckled and looked at her beautiful face. Her hair was slightly wet from the waterfall, and she glistened with water droplets that clung to her skin and shimmered in the light. She saw me looking and pushed me into the water. “Hey!”
I submerged, bubbles coming from my lips. I grinned as I saw her legs dangling below her; she was treading water. I grabbed her foot and pulled her down next to me. She thrashed around and wiggled out of my grip. We both surfaced at the same time.
She looked at me, playful murder in her eyes. We pushed each other under again, linking arms as the water rose above our heads.
A huge smile was on her face, on mine too. We glanced into each other’s eyes. Suddenly we were magnetised, both of us moving closer to each other, that glance becoming a stare. We didn’t care that we were underwater. Even though my lungs burned, our lips were about half an inch apart…
“Hey!” Daxter shouted, causing me to snap backwards, away from Jaklyn. He looked around for my ‘body’ and Jaklyn, then looked underwater. “You’re not dead!”
Suddenly, from above, there was a huge rumbling.
Jaklyn and I shot up and leapt through the waterfall as rocks from the cliff began to tumble towards us.
I managed to grab Daxter’s hand, who, in turn, grabbed Daxterette’s hand. We tumbled onto the sand just in time.
The rock crashed behind the waterfall, right where we just came from.
“Wow!” Daxter exclaimed, seemingly unsurprised at the rock that nearly killed us. “Those seagulls must’ve caused an avalanche!”
“And look!” Daxterette pointed at a ledge. “There’s a Power Cell!”
I smiled and grabbed Daxter around the middle. Race ya!
“Jak said he wants a race, Jaklyn,” Daxter groaned. “Last person to the Power Cell has to carry all of the Orbs and Power Cells we find, forever!”
Oh man, I thought. I have to win this race.
“Okay.” Jaklyn grinned. “On three.”
“One,” Daxterette said slowly. I prepared to sprint. Jaklyn looked mischievous, like she was about to run. I waited…
My muscles tensed in anticipation. Waiting…
We took off. She was instantly in front. Her hair was streaming out behind her, her arrow slipping slightly…
Daxterette snatched it from her hair and watched as it shimmered and transformed, this time into a pair of katana, just the right size for her tiny paws.
Daxter frowned. “I’ll distract them, dude! You gotta win this race!” He went flying off my shoulder and landed on Jaklyn’s other shoulder.
“Hey!” she screamed. In that moment, she slowed, allowing me to shoot past her. I reached the grassy ledges to climb up and wasted no time ducking and leaping, performing a high jump. I grabbed onto the highest ledge and tugged myself up.
Unfortunately, Jaklyn went the normal way, and beat me up to that section. I decided I’d have to do something drastic. I rolled and did a long jump, ending up in a crawl, which I then instantly rolled out of and started running again. This put me in front of Jaklyn by half an inch, but she indignantly gasped and used my trick, putting her two metres in front of the Power Cell. Daxter screamed as Jaklyn extended her arm and dove for the Cell.
I smiled. She was going to miss it!
But they still had a trick up their sleeves. Daxterette shot down Jaklyn’s outstretched arm like a rocket and picked the floating cell up, shrieking with laughter. “We won! We WON!”
I skidded to a halt. Damn it, Daxter!
“What? I did the best I could!”
You could have knocked Daxterette off Jaklyn’s shoulder!
“Well, guess what? I didn’t!”
Why not?
“Well, uh... why don’t we, uh...”
Daxter and Daxterette, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
“Quit it!” Daxter yelled.
First comes love, second comes marriage, third comes a baby in a baby carriage!
“I’ll kill you!”
“Let’s go help that poor Flut–Flut egg!” Daxterette interjected. She pointed over to a ledge. A few lurkers... well, they lurked around the edge of the cliff, apparently guarding the egg, which was blue and speckled with purple dots.
“I agree!” Daxter said.
With that, the subject was dropped.

Jaklyn’s P.O.V

“Uh-uh-uh!” I scolded Jak, stopping him from moving.
He tilted his head, as if to say, What?
I pulled every heavy Orb and Power Cell from my backpack and shoved them in his bag. Daxterette still held the miniature katana. “I’ll go first, then.” She held out the swords and a small kimono materialised on her body. “Jaklyn, I love this thing. Next time you see Gol and Maya tell them to get me one of these.”
I groaned good-naturedly. “I believe I don’t have to.” I snatched the katana from her hands and held them out. Two arrows, I thought.
It did as I wanted. It morphed into twin arrows, one of which I handed to Daxterette. She regained her katana and kimono. “Oh my goodness, that’s cool.”
I still held my arrow. Remain this way. Daxterette needs a weapon. You are now two, and you will be like that forevermore.
The weapon shivered in understanding. I slipped it back in my bun.
Daxterette ran ahead. I sprinted close by. Jak and Daxter meandered around, not caring where Daxterette and I were.

I punched a couple of lurker puppies, whilst Daxterette killed the main lurkers with her epic acrobatic fighting, kicking and whirling and spinning and stabbing.
Daxter rushed up ahead, scampering alongside me like the rat he is. Then he left, and I slowed to a saunter, waiting for Jak. “Hurry up, slowpoke!”
He grinned and shook his head. I rolled my eyes and waltzed over to him. “What’s up?”
He smiled and sat down, dangling his legs over the cliff, waiting for me to sit next to him to watch the sunset.
I did so, and I could’ve sworn I heard a voice say, This.
He leaned in and finished the kiss we’d begun underwater.
It was a simple peck, nothing more, but I liked it.
We got up as the sun began to turn green. “Wonder if the bird lady’ll let us stay there again,” I murmured, yawning.
Suddenly, a huge crack resounded through the beach, followed by a lady’s “Good job! Now meet me here by the egg!”
Ahead of us was a small burst of Blue Eco, which Jak and I absorbed. We met Daxter and Daxterette at the bottom of the cliff, next to the bird lady and the egg, which now had a large crack.
“Oh my, I hope the poor dear's okay,” the bird lady mused. “Here's a Power Cell for your valor.” Jak snatched it out of the air.
The egg suddenly shook violently. A rumbling was heard, then out of the egg erupted a baby Flut-Flut chick, as tall as me, and quite a deal heavier.
“Mumma!” it chirped. It glanced at Daxterette with its beady eyes.
“Um,” Daxterette fumbled for words, “no.”
The Flut-Flut turned to Daxter. “Mumma!”
“Aah!” Daxter screeched. “I’m not your mum! You see any feathers here?” He gestured to his fuzzy body.
“Ah, love at first sight,” the bird woman sighed. “I’m going to take this little chick back to the village with me and work with the Sage to take care of her.”
“Whoa,” Daxter gasped. “That’s a girl?”

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