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This is before the 'toys' came.

*-(Foxy's Pov)-*
I slightly opened the purple star-patterned curtains to see the kids. I sighed looking at Freddy, Bonnie and Chica, then at the out-of-order sign in front of me. I closed the curtains. I looked around the medium sized room. Big yet so lonely.

~time skip~

(Still Foxy's pov)

It was pitch black now as I heard movement outside of the pizzeria. I opened my curtains and whispered loudly. "Guys!" Bonnie, being closest to me, turned towards me. "Yeah, Foxy?" "Do ye know what's going on out there?" I motioned towards outside. Bonnie then looked outside and shrugged. I, being curious, asked. "Want to find out, lad?" Bonnie put down his guitar. "Sure."
Idk if this is a cliffhanger. Maybe, maybe not. But byeeeeee.

FoxyxMangle: Broken Things Can Love Too *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now