Visiting Him|How could I?!

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*-(Mangle's pov)-*
I've gotten used to walking like this now and even learned I can climb on the ceiling. Bon Bon avoids me most of the time, plus I rarely see him. I decided to walk, more like climb, around the pizzeria. I sighed, as I see Bon Bon from above. He didn't know I was here, though. I continued to walk around. I then came across a door, sightly opened, at the end of the hallway. "Hmm...I wonder what's inside...", I wondered aloud as I climbed in. It was black in here, but lucky they gave us 'toys' advanced features, one of them night vision. "H-hello? Anyone here?", I asked. I was about to leave until I heard movement. I opened the door some more so the light could come in. As light flooded into the room, I could see the old animatronics. There was a yellow chicken with no hands and her beak broke a bit, a purple bunny with no face and most if his right arm ripped off, a brown bear not that damaged, there was also a golden bear with one if his ears torn and a bit more damage. Oh, I blushed, and that red fox. Foxy, I think. He finally noticed the door opened and looked around. I was trying to be quiet, but my stupid voice box malfunctioned and static filled the room. I don't know how those other animatronics were still sleep cause the static was so loud. Foxy immediately looked up to where I was and jumped. I smiled weakly,"Hey. It's me, Mangle." "I know it's you but...", he hesitates,"What happened to you?" I couldn't make eye contact as I started to think of it, then think if Bon Bon. "Uh...", I started. "Ye don't have to tell me if ye don't want to, lass!", He then adds quickly, his face full of regret. " It's... It's okay. I guess they thought I wasn't that good... Afraid I might bite them...", I said. I then remembered opening time. "Sorry. I, uh, have to go?" I climbed back into kids cove as I got ready. But something didn't feel right...I got this sudden anger thinking about those kids. (A/n: Dudes. Just saying. She might, uh, choke some things with her wires when she's mad)

~Opening Tiiiiiiiiime~

"Mangle?", Susie asked. I looked up and when I saw her, my anger disappeared. "Susie!", I exclaimed while I stood up and hugged her. "Are you okay? I wish I could've helped you.", Susie looked down at her shoes. I tilted her head up,"Hey, I'm okay! I can even do something special now!" I climbed up onto the ceiling and smiled as she laughed. "That it so cool! I wish I could do that!" We laughed together. "Susie! Come watch your little brother!", her mom yelled. I climbed down from the ceiling as the five-year-old ran to her two-year-old brother. As I was laying down I saw the kid who torn me up first. I growled as he looked at me and smirked. "Haha! Look at this fox. Boy or girl? Can't really tell now!" He laughed some more as I stood up. I growled and felt like I wasn't in control of my body anymore. I grabbed the kid with my wires as I choked him. I guess nobody heard his cries of help. Just after he stopped breathing, I realized what I did. I gasped as I dropped him.

FoxyxMangle: Broken Things Can Love Too *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now