That Horrible Day

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Like I said. Most of the chapters will be in Mangle's pov
*-(Mangle's pov)-*
I was preparing for the children. I was so excited, it was the very first day. Bon Bon walked in. "Aren't you supposed to be on the stage?", I asked. "Yeah. I'm just checking on ya before they come.", He replied. I smiled and he returned it before he walked back out. Just then I heard the doors burst open with kids yelling and cheering. A large group gathered around the band while a small group gathered around me. "Say something!" A kid yelled. "Uh hi guys!", I waved. " What's your name?" A little girl with a pink bow and rosy cheeks, asked. "Oh my name is Mangle." Most of the kids left, but that little girl stayed. "What's your name?", I asked. "My name is Susie." "That's a cute name." "Thank you!" She hugged me. I was a bit taken back, but hugged back. "Susie!" I heard a woman call. Susie stopped hugging me and said,"That's my mommy. Bye!" I watched her run off with her mother. But then a kid came up to me and yelled,"Stupid lady fox!" And ripped my arm. "S-stop! Please!" Another kid saw me and started ripping me apart, too. I saw Susie watching me with tear filled eyes, gripping her mother's hand. I looked at Bon Bon, who was running towards me. I looked at the kids as the world around me started to fade...

FoxyxMangle: Broken Things Can Love Too *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now