Chapter 27

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Raiden awoke early the next morning, in search of himself. He strapped his shield to his back, and had his sword sheathed. He took long strides, and stood taller than usual. He wandered the streets of Shodon looking for... something.

All around him, the city of Shodon came to life. Markets began opening as workers set up shop. Lights came on all around him, as Shodon was awakening.

The citizens whispered among themselves, pointing at Raiden... their hero. To them, Raiden was their savior. He saved the king's life and stopped Moldark Rathmore. Why wouldn't they praise him?

Raiden didn't feel he deserved the praise.

Even though the city was bustling with life, something seemed off. Shodon was at war, yet these people were living their normal lives. They were acting as though nothing was happening to change their normal lives. Didn't they know what was going on outside these walls?

Many citizens patted Raiden's shield as he walked leisurely by. They saw him, and they saw their hero.

Maybe that was why they acted normal. Maybe they truly believed that they were safe, and that the military would protect them.

Or that Raiden would protect them.

There seemed to be a sudden gain of weight on Raiden's shoulders. It wasn't a literal weight; it was the weight of responsibility. That's why he left Cytra. He had a responsibility, and it was his job to follow through.

There it was. A small spark that ignited the old Raiden inside of him.

This was good. This journey around Shodon, around his home, seeing the beauties of the life here, was exactly what he needed.

He passed guards on his journey, and they saluted to him. He would stop, put a hand on their shoulder, and say, "It's good to see you friend. Keep up the good work."

Each guard he spoke to was filled with strength. It was almost as if some magical force enhanced their optimism. Sometimes all people needed was a little encouragement. Raiden knew that better than anyone.

But there was one thing on his journey that truly lit that fire inside Raiden. There was one thing that raised the phoenix inside him.

A woman was being attacked.

Most people in Shodon would back away in fear. They didn't know how to react. Were they obliged to help? Were they supposed to contact the authorities? Raiden assumed that none of these questions ran through their minds. Others in the city would react out of anger, and fight off the attacker.

But Raiden was different. Rather than being overcome by fear, or overwhelmed by anger, he felt a sense of calm. When he saw the attack, he didn't see a violent, bloodthirsty assult; he saw an innocent woman in need of care. When Raiden performed his protective duties, he acted out of love.

And that's exactly what he was going to do. His love for others is what pulled him out of the darkness and into the light.

Doing his job is what ignited that fire inside of him.

The old Raiden was returning.

Raiden approached the man who was beating the woman, in front of the entire crowd. People backed away when Raiden approached. They knew he meant business.

"Hey!" Raiden shouted. "Back away, this instant."

The attacker was a big man. His broad shoulders and ripped upper body made him appear much bigger than Raiden, even though he was only taller by two inches or so. He had long, shaggy brown hair, and he reeked of alcohol.

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