The first day of the rest of my life

49 20 3

Rule number one:
If you want to be loved
First you must learn to love
And Lord knows how much I've loved you

You took a chance on me,
The scared underdog
Who couldn't do anything right
And here now I make my vow

I stand before all those gathered here
My parents and yours,
And both our mothers are crying
With a smile painted across their faces

We stand at the altar
My fingers entwined with yours
The vicar announces that
Us Two are now One

"My darling, I love you,
I will love you for centuries,
We have united in this life
And will reunite in the ones to come"

My heart bursts at the melody of his words
I didn't think I could ever love
But how glad I am
That we took a chance on each other

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