How could you care so much for a criminal

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(Your pov)

OK so joker is my brother but he's married into my family so yah. Batman just had this really dumbfounded face on so I started laughing and surprise surprise joker was too.

 Once batman had regained his words he said "b-brother".

 I looked at him and me and joker said in unison and monotone "Only married in". 

He looked at us and said "how". 

Luckily joker responded with "well batcy when we were little-."

 I cut him off and said "my real mom died when she was giving birth to me. My dad promised to take care of me. Few years later my father gets married to his mother after his father left. Then they both died in a crash 5 years ago today so on that day he" I said while pointing to joker " goes way beoned crazy and goes on a rampage."

 Joker then snarls at me and says "Why shouldn't I our parents died"

 I then snarled back and said "At least you still have a dad and you've met both your parents at least you had both of them in your life!" I yelled  back crazily. I truly felt like sobbing but I had to act angry or not show he was getting to me. 

Then I saw it he was crying. The joker, my brother crying. I started to feel bad now. I just shied and told batman he could go on. I went over to Joker and hugged him and he started hugging me and crying on my shoulder. I just patted him on the back and told him it wasn't his fault and everything is fine. 

After he calmed his crying a bit he croaked out "I-it's not al-ll rig-ght i-i-'m crazy b-beter yet i-insae." And then he sobbed harder. I felt bad so I helped him over to my car.

 I then shied and yelled " you can go batman now I got this your secrets are safe with me plus I have to help him" I looked up at the sky "I promised" then got in the drivers seat and started the car and drove off.

(Batman's pov) 

I can't believe it, her brother is Joker and she cares for him even though he's insane, and how did she spot me, just how. I was in my car and I placed it in the shadows as night with the street lamps off. She never ceased to amaze me. I saw her leave out of the corner of my eye so I started up my car and drove back to the batcave. I had nothing else planned to do as batman so I went to the batcave and asked Alfred to make a snack. He asked me 

"why are you back early sir where's Robin and what would you like to eat." I then told him what happened and what I'd like to eat. I got back into normal clothes and went up to the manner. I sat in the kitchen and sat near where Alfred was cooking waffles. Soon after he finished I ate them fast and went to go do my nightly routine I just couldn't stop thinking about how she cared so much for a criminal. I just thought that as I went to sleep.

(Your pov)

I thought for a minute about where I was going to take Joker down the decelens street. I look to the back seat and saw Joker curled up on the seat shivering and crying. I had to find somewhere to take him. Then I heard it, the rain slowly starting and then poreing louder. That's when I heard it very far in the distance the crackling sound and the riveting sight of lightning and thunder and then the quiet whimper of joker. That's when I remembered Joker was afraid of lighting and thunder.


It was a nice day with a cloudy overcast. I then asked jack (Joker) if he wanted to take a walk outside to get to know each other better.

 He said "sure could be fun I need the exercise anyway." Then we started to walk off into the woods . After walking a bit we stopped and sat down on a log. Then came the rain. At first it was just a light down pore but now it was heavy duty rain. Then through the beautiful rain beating down on the ground I herd it.

 Jack was stammering out "l-lets g-go be-efore-" then I hear a light whimper with the sound of thunder and a crack of lightning to acmpony it cutting jack off in the process. I then look over to him looking on the verge of tears.

 I suddenly put my hands on his shoulders and asked "Are you scared, dose the lightning and thunder scare you." He looks at me and nods slightly and so as a reflex I opened my arms up to give him a hug. He gladly accepted and started sobbing on my shoulder. I then started softly humming a song with a nice melody. He the stopped whimpering as much and was now only slightly crying. 

Then he softly said "Thank you."

 I then asked slightly confused "for what."

 Then he said "for not laughing and saying I was a crybaby, and for the hug thank you for acting like the older one in the situation for being here being you, and... being kind." 

I was just shocked and said "Don't mention it I'm just glad to hear you don't hate me like most people" by that point I pulled out of the hug "but they just can't stand my fabulousness." And then I flicked my hair off my shoulder failing purposely. Then like I thought he would he forgot the thunder lightning and rain and was enjoying himself.

 I then said "race you back" "oh your on."and you both race home. You ended up winning and got back first seconds later followed by Jack. You both looked for your parents, and they were nowhere to be found.

 So I just said "there probably out let's get some sleep" 


"potassium to you too." He chuckled and walked to his room. You went to bed as well. 

*********The next day**********

I woke up to watch the news when I went downstairs jack was there and was making breakfast. He then called out "my treat as a thank you for comforting me."

 I then said "OK" and went to watch the news. I was devastated by what I saw. It was our parents car smashed to bits. I almost started to cry but decided against it since jack was all ready tearing up. I went over and hugged him. After that we packed to leave the house full of memories. We said goodbye and hadn't seen each other since. 

**********End of flash back **********

(Your pov)

I then started humming to calm him down I knew where to take him now. 

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