Chapter 5

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Phote met Oliver in the park, he's gonna be a big part of her life for a little bit and he's gonna be the main cause for most of the drama. Ashton was nervous to tell/ ask Phote about school so he is having Michael do it. Okay so in the book luke is 17 so technically he's still in school

|M I C H A E L|

"Hey Phote, what are you thinking about doing for school"

"U-uh I don't know"

"She could do the same schooling as me" Luke suggested

"Yeah that is good idea I didn't think of that"  Ashton agreed

"Yeah I guess that could work" Phote said sipping her ice tea "when do I start"

"That's a good question, probably next week" seeming it's Thursday

"Okay what kinda of schooling is it, because at the adoption home we all got taught by a teacher there" -Phote

"Well it's just regular school but since we go on tour and we have interviews I only have to go once or twice a week" -luke

"That's cools I'll definitely like that" Phote said with a smile

We finished eating, paid for the food while we walked to the walked to the car Michael asked "Why don't we go to movies in the mall since it still kinda early"

"That's a good idea Michael, I totally wasn't thinking that" Ashton said in a overly sarcastic voice

When we arrived at the mall we split up like we always do, I was with Phote. And Ashton Calum and luke were together.

"Soo I saw you talking to a boy at the park earlier" Michael teased

"Oh Yahh, he's just a friend I guess I really don't know him"

"Talking to strangers I see"

"Hey I didn't start a conversation with him he started it with me"

"But you replied back"

"He was cute okay" she said while blushing

I laughed at her response, she was so adorable, but had such I rough past I wish I could go back and change it for her but I can't, I... well we can only change her future and that's what we're gonna do


|C A L U M|

"DONT FORGET THE POPCORN!!" Michael yelled from behind us

"Oh yeah I was totally gonna forget the best part about movie theaters"

|P H O T E|

We proceeded to the theater room that our movie was being played in, I still didn't know what movie it was. Till I looked up on the door and it said

      "Theater 10 conjuring 2"

This was a scary movie I absolutely hate scary movies, but I guess I'll go with it. The boys choose to sit in the very back where the speakers were yay now it's gonna be harder to drowned out this movie. The order we sat in was Michael Ashton Luke Me (Phote) and Calum.

"Calum pass the popcorn!!" Michael whisper screamed

The smell of the butter almost made me sick as the rather large bucket of popcorn was passed over me.  The light started to dim as the movie started, I tried to act cool like I was excited for this movie but instead I was internally screaming, when the first kinda scary part came on I clenched onto Luke's arm.

"Are you okay?" Luke whisper

"Uhh yeah I'm fine" I whispered back in a shaky voice, I understand I'm probably totally over reacting but I hate scary movies.

"Okay" Luke replied wrapping his arm around me,


The boys were talking about how good the movie was as we were walking out of the theater,

"What was your favorite part of the movie" Michael asked me

"I liked the credits, they were pretty cool"

"No I'm being serious Phote" Michael said though a laugh

"So am I" I said as my phone went off, it was a notification from snap chat oh my josh knots Oliver actually texted me,

"Hey beautiful" -Oliver

"HII :)" -Phote

(If you guys want the full conversation let me know and I'll put it in the beginning of one of the next chapters)

| L U K E |

"I call sitting next to Phote" I said while wrapping my arm around her and pulling her close to me, she put her phone in her pocket and smiled at me. Phote is honestly so beautiful believe it or not I have a slight crush on her, I mean that's not that weird
right she's only my band mates daughter, even though he is like a brother to me

HEYYY people I'm back for a while now I'm actually gonna update on the norm, I'm on summer vacation and really excited to write more of this book I'm hoping to get two chapters out tomorrow no promises,

So what do you think about Luke and Phote? It'd only the beginning but I'm thinking about making it a thing later on. How about Oliver and Photes conversation? Do you wanna see all the stuff they talked about or no?

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