Chapter 3

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|P H O T E|

We started driving to the middle of know where I kept asking where we were going but got no answer, we soon pulled up to a building with a sign saying St Anne's adoption center, what are we doing here its nearly midnight? I didn't dare ask another question, my dad got out of the car and told me to say goodbye to my mom and sister then
walked me up to the door and left me there with no goodbye, no explanation

"Hey hey, Phote sweetie wake up" Ashton said shaking me

"I'm sorry" I said just waking up

"No need to be sorry, but what is your dream about"

"Uhh, I don't really feel like repeating this four times, so can we talk about this when where all together?"

"Sure meet us down stairs for breakfast"

"Okay" I walked over to my bag, I haven't even unpacked  yet. I rummaged through the bag looking for something to wear, I picked out black leggings a black mussel T and a flannel, I went to the bathroom brushed my hair and my teeth got dressed and went down stairs. (Bruh the word or letter I was said so many times)

"Hi Phote" Luke said spotting me walking down the stairs "how did you sleep"

"Well that's what I wanna talk to you guys about" I said walking to the table and began to tell the dream which lead to the whole story of how I got to the adoption center which led to me telling them about my self harm and anorexia and ended with me in tears telling the boys "if you don't want me anymore it's okay I understand"

"Don't say that, your not some broken toy were not just gonna take you back where gonna get through your problems together" Ashton said with tears in his eyes

Luke came over and hugged me he started crying in my shoulder causing me to cry as well, next thing you know we were in a group hug crying
"That was a very emotional morning" Calum said walking into my room

"Yeah" I said with a chuckle

"Ashton told me to tell you to get ready were going to mall"

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute" I put on some shoes and ran downstairs "ready"

We all piled in the car Ashton drove Michael sat in the front and I sat in the back with Calum and Luke, Michael turned on the radio Justin Bieber what do you mean was playing.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WOAHOOOHH" Michael sang at the top of his voice.

When we finally reached the mall we split up in two groups Me Ashton and Luke then Calum and Michael, Ashton said he had a few surprises for me we first walked to the Apple Store he directed me to the iPhones and told me to pick anyone I wanted.
My hand reached for the phone I've wanted since it came out the iPhone 6 in gold but then pulled away, I didn't want him spending all this money on me
"I don't really want a phone"

"Really? Wow I thought every teenage girl wanted a phone... Guess I was wrong, well let's go to the next store"

Wow he really gave that up without a fight, I guess he didn't want to spend the money on my after all

"I gotta use the little boys room, why don't you guys go to the next store"

|A S H T O N|

I saw Phote reach for a phone, so guess what I'm gonna go buy it, I walked towards the bathrooms till they were away from the Apple Store.

I walked out with a gold Iphone 6, a $50 iTunes card and a outer box. I texted Luke asking where they were

To Lukey
  Hey, where are you guys I just left the Apple Store I bought Phote a phone and I wanna buy her a few more things. But don't tell her

To ashy
   We are at game stop with Mikey and cal

To Lukey
   Okay can you can stay there for a little bit I have to go to a few more stores

To ashy
   Yeah no problem

Okay I have go to lush and F.Y.E
(So I'm American, so I really don't know what stores and what things are called in Australia. I'm just writing this in my very limited American vocabulary)

|P H O T E|

"Oh my god Ashton you didn't have to do this"

(Heartbreak girl just came on, this song is fetus and I love it)

"But I wanted to, now give me a hug"

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