Love/Hate Pendalum

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The Pendalum of Love and Hate.

Swinging in the gentle caress of promises from long ago.

Its two sides of the same coin, both undeniably full of strength.

We who cherish and embrace them more than any other living creature.

Love, such a simple word with an elusively deep meaning.

Most use it without a clue of its true nature.

Love isn't just the stereotypical light sweet feelings of a first crush.

Its also heavy, binding, sufficating like chains coiling around your heart and pulling it into the ocean's depths.

Risking that to happen for the sense of connection it brings.

Being engulfed in eternal warmth and comfert.

Hate, being its polar opposite bubbles up under our skin and boils in our blood.

Clouding our thoughts and confusing our sense of right and wrong.

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