I got him back

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It's literally been 2 weeks and I have been so upset. I haven't talked to Jonas in 2 weeks. I remember him saying we can text but not in a while but I really need someone to talk to. I have no friend and my family literally doesn't want to hear my problems and the only person who did was Jonas. I have missed so much school my mom has made me gone home schooled. I really miss Jonas and I really want to talk to him to say I'm sorry for everything. But I know if I text him he will not respond. Maybe I should go look for a new friend because what  is the point me and Jonas will never be as close as we were before because of me. Then my phone buzzed. I ignored it because it was probably my mom just texting to tell me dinner is ready. But then I get another text.

"Hey I know you probably don't want to talk to me ever again but I really miss you and I really want to talk about what happened. " Jonas put.
"OMG! I thought you would never text me again! I have missed you so much. And we can talk about what happened."
"Ok can you call me?"

"Hey so I know we really aren't on good terms but I miss you so much Ashley and I really want to say I'm sorry for what happened. I should of never said that. I should of never blamed you for what happened between me and her. I really want to be best friends again but if you don't that's fine.""Jonas it has been the worst 2 weeks without you. I am now homeschooled because I missed so much school. I miss you like crazy Jonas and you don't have to be the one to say sorry. I am. I am so sorry for everything I did. I didn't mean to break you two up. I really want us to be best friends too.""Actually Ashley breaking us up was the best thing you did. I have been happy without her but upset without you. You're homeschooled,WAIT THAT MEANS WE CAN MEET! Omg we have to plan a day"...

Our call went on for hours then I finally fell asleep with him on the phone. I was so happy I got my best friend back.

My internet bestfriend//Jonas BridgesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora