Chapter 2

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The rhythmic movements are what rustled her into consciousness. The raising up and lowering back down, repeatedly. It felt walking. Her mind was foggy and it was hard to concentrate on what was happening. Was she walking? With her eyes closed? She realized the warm feel of someone's arms around her legs, and her stomach was pressed against what seemed to be a shoulder. So she was being carried, she supposed that made sense. But sleep still called to her, and she slipped into a deep slumber.

Canada felt warm, really warm, and she snuggled into the blanket more. She felt leather moving under her, maybe she'd fallen asleep watching TV? Wait, she thought, I don't own leather couches. She slid her eyes open and stared at the back of the couch, which was a brownish hue. This isn't my couch. Rolling over, she tried to turn and see what was going around behind her, but instead fell off onto the floor.

She groaned and shook her head, clearing it of any remaining grogginess and sat up. Everything was fuzzy, and she realized that she did not have her glasses on. She was leaning against what was probably a coffee table, so she squinted at it, trying to clear the blurriness. Her glasses were perched on a small pile of coasters, and she grabbed them. When everything was clear again, she looked around at where she as. The couch she'd fallen off of was located in front of the coffee table and a brick fireplace, which was crackling happily with a cozy fire. There was a rocking chair next to the fire place, complete with a basket colorful balls of yarn with numerous needles sticking out. She looked around and found herself alone, but some voices could be heard nearby. Slowly, she stood and, with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders, made her way through the archway and into the hallway. This, too, was empty, but a door just down the hall was ajar and light flooded out of it, along with a jumble of voices.

"Hello." A woman's voice came from behind Canada, who jumped at the unexpected person.

"Hi." She told the other, turning to see the woman. It was Belarus, at least she thought so, since she didn't ever really talk to her during meetings, well she didn't talk much period. Honestly, Canada was often too busy trying to think of the next perfect recipe that would include maple syrup.

"You're awake." Belarus told her, staring at Canada.

"Uh, yeah. Would you mind telling me where we are?"

"My fiance and my house."

Canada blinked, "You're getting married? To who?"

"Big Brother of course."

Canada didn't say anything, supposing it was best not to get involved with whatever Belarus was up to. There was a silence between the two as Belarus continued to stare at her. Canada took this time to notice that the other country's usual blue and white dress had been replaced with a bright red one, trimmed in gold thread, in a similar style to her regular one.

"Can you tell me why you were out in the forest, alone, with big brother?" Belarus asked her in a low tone, giving Canada a dangerous look.

"What?" Canada asked her, thoroughly confused.

"You heard me. Tell me what you were doing, out in a blizzard, with my brother." Belarus was starting to scare Canada, who took a half step back. Whatever Belarus was going on about, Canada hoped she realized she had nothing to do with it.

"I wasn't," Canada said softly, hugging the blanket like she usually did with Kumajirou, "I mean out with your brother. I...I was just walking and got lost and..." Canada's voice quieted with each word she spoke. Social interactions were never her best suite, especially with tense situations.

"I'm not a fool," Belarus said as her face snarled at the innocent country, "so I suggest you stop acting like I am one! I saw what had happened! Big brother took you into my home in his arms! I saw your face, and it was as red as that hideous sweater you had on."

"Hey! That's my favorite sweater!" Canada spoke louder than she usually did, a volume a little lower than how America spoke all the time, "It's not hideous!"

"I didn't have time to ask Big Brother what was going on..." The over jealous country had her head low until her bangs hid her eyes, "He was upstairs before I knew it..." a soft growl came out of her throat. "You're not taking my Big Brother away from me!" Her head shot up quickly as she yelled profusely, "If you had any brains in that maple syrup head of yours, you would see that Big Brother and I were meant to be!" Canada began to chuckle nervously which set the fuming girl off even more. "If you dare, take my love away from me... I will choke you with your own bear, cut your skin with your own ax, and hang it on my room as a curtain." She stood up and stormed out before the stunned Canada could reply.

That was odd. Canada thought as she watched the other until she was no longer visible. Slowly, she turned back to the door she'd been heading to before and took a step forward. She was close enough that the light from the room spilled out onto her bare feet. When did I take my boots off? Wait, what am I wearing? Canada looked down at herself and noticed she was wearing a baggy shirt, looking strangely like Ukraine's normal wear, and a pair of soft gray sweat pants. She wondered where her favorite sweater had gone to, hoping that it wouldn't have shrunk by the time she got it back. If she got it back, Canada reminded herself, assuming Belarus hadn't done anything with it. Deciding that the outfit could definitely be worse, and that she couldn't do anything about it anyway since she didn't know her way around the house that well.

She entered the room and looked around. She found Russia looking down at Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania, with Ukraine gripping her brother's arm, as if to stop him from something. Walking into this, without any knowledge of what was going on, Canada was unsure of what to do so she softly whispered 'hello'.

Everyone ceased what they were doing and looked to her. Canada blushed at the sudden rush of attention.

"You are awake, you are warmer now, yes?"

"Better?" Canada asked.

"Mr. Russia found you out in the snow."

In the snow? The country thought to herself in her slight confusion. Oh yeah! Now I remember! It's all slowly starting to come back to me, Canada thought, the events of the previous day swirling around in her head.

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