Chapter 13

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*Russia's POV*

The tension in the room was still there, between Russia and America, about an hour later where they sat around the dining room table with a hot frozen pizza in the center. America sat on one side of the table, seeming to have invited himself to their meal, while Canada and Russia sat on the other. The pepperoni and sausage pizza lay untouched and was likely getting cold. America, was staring at the Russian without relent. However, Russia was not about to give in to him and let him win this stare down.

Russia didn't break the silence, namely because he had to think of ways to get America to approve. Canada was his winter flower, and no one should be standing in the way of her decision making. Something warm and soft grasped his hand under the table without looking he knew that Canada had taken hold of his hand. She gave it a reassuring squeeze as the silence stretched on.

There had been many meetings in which Russia had taken time to study many of the other countries' personalities, or at least what he could obtain through their 'polite' politician actions. From this, he had noted that America could not sit still for very long and, whether he had been previously doing something or not, he would flit between activities easily. Russia knew that it would not be long now before the young nation gave in. His will is strong, but everyone falls in the end. The staring continued, each of the contestants lowering their eyelids into a squint as they willed the other to lose.

"Hey, Russia?" Canada's sudden question broke the silence, and Russia felt her hand gently grasp his chin. She didn't turn his head, instead she stood and leaned over, planting a gentle, loving kiss onto Russia's lips. Russia blinked, and for the first time in a very long time, he lost a fight with an adversary. Almost without thinking, Russia placed his hands on her hips and gave her a kiss just as gentle and sweet in return. America, Russia noted, stared slack jawed when the two broke apart from the kiss. And he gave him a triumphant smile back.

To Russia's surprise, America didn't say anything, he just sort of stared at the two of them with a thoughtful gaze. The wooden chair squeaked against the floor as America stood up, and coughed.

"Well, I..."' He began, though he seemed, for the first time in his life, at a loss for words, "It's late, I'm gonna, uh, head to bed."

"Wait, bro." Canada smiled, practically jumping over the table to give her brother a hug, "Sleep well."

America hugged her back, then nodded to Russia. And then the obstructions between Russia and his winter flower were gone. Canada sat down next to Russia again, and scooped a couple of pieces of pizza onto Russia's plate.

"Sorry if I surprised you on that," She told him apologetically, "I figured that it would take some action to convince America how I really feel about you."

"And what would that be?" Russia asked, feeling like a foolish teenager because he almost forgot to breathe. He chuckled when a blush blossomed on Canada's cheeks, he would never get tired of the rush of red flooding her pale skin. It was very pleasing, or what was that word, adorable. Yes, that was the one.

"To tell you the truth, I'm really not that hungry at the moment." Canada said softly, "I just made up dinner so I could spend some more time with you."

"I agree with this. Would you want to do something else together?"

"Hmm, how about a board game. Oh! I know, a movie!"

"I am pleased with your choice." Russia responded. And he helped clear the table, and put the pizza into some to-go containers.

"Alrighty, I'd give you the official tour, but seeing as it's so late, I figure we might just want to start the movie now." Canada grabbed Russia's hand and she scurried out into the hall, and to some stairs that led downstairs. Russia sat down on a plus couch, while Canada opened the DVD case and started rummaging through movies. He told her that he didn't care what they watched.

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