Grey (Part I)

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The drums of thunder echo in the night sky. Lightning pierces through the dark ominous storm clouds. Webs of light cracking with every second counting. Yet, not even the constant, irritating pitter-patter of amplified raindrops, could disturb Rey right now. And she's not even trying.

All she could see, hear, and feel, were either nulled, plain or dull. It's like the world, and time itself now paces like a shadow through the ghost-quiet recesses of Rey's sombre mind. She continues watching the scene of the relentless downpour outside. "It's just another day".

Rey Kenobi - or was it only Rey? - is in her early 30's now and for reasons unknown, she is feeling quite disheartened. Why was she, though?

Rey knows she has a good and stable job. The business had been going great. She is finally living in the home she's always been dreaming of - though it doesn't really feel like one. Her huge engagement ring most definitely puts others to shame. Yet, despite all that, why was there still an unexplained void inside of her?

Tv shows may just as well be the constant reruns of black and white. Her works only ever keep piling up, being constantly harder to complete, even being in her workshop brings headaches. She's always feeling a little low, no matter how much sleep she gets. The food always tastes bland that the process of eating itself made Rey sick to the stomach. And that is not what someone with her past should be thinking of.

So why was this happening to her? What went wrong?

"Rey?" She looks up to her inquisitor.

Black raven hair. Skin almost vampire-esque, with few freckles, sprayed here and there. Massive and tall, with broad shoulders, Rey's eyes dreaded at the sight before her.


"The door was unlocked", he motions to the door, "so I hope you wouldn't mind me letting myself in".

Please leave....

"I just came to check up on you, seeing on how you're never answering any of my calls or texts".


"I hope you realise you're not only making me worried here but Finn and Poe as well", he pauses, seeing as how Rey wouldn't stop staring at him.

Please leave.... Leave me alone....

"Rey, whatever it is bothering you, you know you can tell me".

Rey couldn't believe it. How could he? After all that happened, he still dared to come here? Worse, he asks how's she's doing. Is he mocking her?

If that is so, Rey can easily fight fire with fire. Impetuously, she ignores him, in hopes he'll read the signs and fucking leave her alone.

He did not, unfortunately.

"Rey", he continues, moving closer towards her, "I'm really concerned here and I just want to--"

"Get out"


"I said get out!!" Rey stands, eyes welling with tears. Like a child, she puts her hands to her head, screaming out loud, "Get out! Get out and leave me alone!!"

"Rey?!" came a new voice, coming from the kitchen. It was Brendon Hux. He came rushing in, a knife on one hand, stance ready to strike.

"It's alright Hux, there was only just a--", the visitor tries explaining, but Rey suddenly interrupted him. 

"Don't you talk to him", she barks, eyes streaming waterfalls. "Don't. You. Fucking... say a single word". 

"Rey?" Hux's eyes widen.

In a fit of rage, Rey stormed to her room, slamming the door shut with exerted force that a nearby picture frame shattered.

Silence envelopes the area. Regardless, the clocks continued their ticks.

Hux had never seen this side of her at all. Fury was one thing. But this? There are simply no words to describe it. As he tries comprehending the situation, Hux takes a deep breath, safely putting the knife aside to begin clearing the mess she had unknowingly made.

Collecting the fragmented shards, Hux glimpses at the photo inside. Picking it up, he could easily see why the felicity, and of the image's once great importance, required it to be framed so perfectly. It was her birthday.

Though the picture is probably a decade old, it felt like it was taken yesterday. Hux turns his attention to the petite young woman in the middle. Her soft brown eyes, her trademark hair of three buns, and her kind and beautiful smile. Hux frowns as he wonders to whatever had happened to that bubbly sunshine. Where did you go?

The visitor, having felt his presence unwanted any longer, chose to leave the two alone. 

"Why?" The visitor stops.

He looks back to Hux, now looking at the dangly pale man beside the precious ball of light. "Why did you come back?"

For a while, not one sound left either man. The clock continued mocking the silence with their chatter. The visitor looks towards the door, gruffly asserting, "Who's stopping me?", and leaves at last.

Hux tensed, turning his head towards the door. Nothing greeted him. The clock stops, as he stares in disbelief, terror clutching him with a vice-like grip.


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