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I run forward when the ghost reaches for Andrew's daughter's face and I shoot it with salt rounds. It leaves and I take out my phone then dial 911.

"Can I get an ambulance to Main street? There's been a car accident and everyone in the car seems to be okay," I check their pulses and smell gas. "Thank you." I hang up and see a tiny flame nearing the gas. I lift Andrew's daughter and almost catch my breath at her face, she's beautiful. I set her down before saving her punk best friend who opens her eyes when I set her down too.

"Is Renee okay?" I nod and she looks happy or at least she smiles, I'm bad at reading expressions. "Thanks for getting us out-" The car explodes and I cover them, a piece of it lands in my shoulder. "You saved our lives." She kisses my cheek and we both check on Renee who opens her grey eyes.

"What happened to the girl?" I play dumb while Max shrugs. "She didn't have eyes and there was worms in her hair." Shit, I had hoped she hadn't seen anything and of course, she'll tell the cops.

"Nobody was there," I hand her the bag she had, I had taken it just in case and she looks for something. She takes out a box that I know, she's part of the Unseen. The ambulance parks in front of us and the medics run out. "Them first, they were in the car." I try to stand but fall, wincing at the pain in my shoulder and one of the medics helps me while the other helps the girls.

"Good thing you were here," The medic checks my shoulder. "Or they'd be dead," I wince as he helps me up and puts me in the ambulance. The girls get on too, Renee on a gurney and her friend walking on. "Anyone in need of morphing that isn't a drug addict?" I nod and pull up my sleeve. He injects the morphing and some of the pain goes away. I feel Renee's glaze on me.

"Thank you," I look at her and she smiles slightly. "I'd rather not lose Max," Her hand finds mine and it sends electricity through me. "I'm Renee, what's your name?"

"Cole and it was pleasure," I smile at the ground shyly. I barely see girls never mind talk to them, I wish she had been a boy, what I'm use to. I notice her Killers t-shirt and I like a girl with good taste. "Nice Killers t-shirt, see their concert last night?" She nods then winces so the medic gives her morphing. I try not to look at her bag that's on Max's lap and my phone pings. I take it out and read the message, You've only prevented the inevitable, you know. 

"Bad message?" Max peers at my screen and I lock my phone, putting my walls up. "Sorry, personal. So, Cole what school do you go to?" Still personal but Renee gives Max a look.

"He was homeschooled," I'm the only one confused. "My dad taught psychology and you have the mannerisms of someone who was homeschooled, not used to the opposite sex and shy due to lack of interaction." I really like her and can see the Genius in her.

"You're really smart then?" She shrugs and I raise an eyebrow. "Being modest is lying to yourself, you know." I sound like my dad when he tried to pick girls up with me in the backseat, trying to sleep. She laughs not like the fake laughs the girls gave before going to their boyfriends or girlfriends but a real genuine laugh. We stay quiet and the ambulance parks. Renee is taken out then me and Max get out carefully, trying not to make our injuries worse. For the first time ever, we aren't waiting hours for treatment and I get a male doctor I feel comfortable with.

"I'm doctor Rowell, can you take your jacket off?" I give him a look and point at the huge piece of metal in my shoulder. "Stupid question, would you mind if I cut your jacket into pieces along with the shirt?"

"Yeah, hate these anyway," I hear the scissors cut my favourite outfit in two but I've ten like it in my truck...Fuck. "Can I text someone quickly?" He nods and I pull out my phone. I text Derek, Red at Motel, please pick Red up as I'm in the hospital due to trying to reunite the Unseen after Toby's huge fuck up. I see the strange look on the doctor's face. "Red's my truck, do I have to stay still or bleed out?" He nods and I close my eyes. He takes a close look and winces.

"I have to take this out after giving you morphing," I nod and he injects me. "Do you want either of the girls here?" Before I can answer, Max comes in.

"I'm here, don't worry," When Rowell leaves she looks at me with her arms crossed. "Been about twenty years since I've seen an active Unseen." I blink and realise who she is or rather what she is.

"A guardian called Max, really?" She shrugs and I try to remember everything about guardians. Immortal, is tied to one family, knows everything and is a good friend or a bad enemy. "How will I tell Renee about her dad and the family business?"

"First off, family business makes people think of Supernatural, second her dad wrote her a letter which is in the box, third do you know how Raum found the Unseen?" I look away and she tries to read my face which nobody can do. "Someone wrote down where they all were and Raum tracked them down, starting with Researcher-" Renee coughs and I see the confusion on her face as she stands in the doorway.

"What's the Unseen?" I look at Max who looks at me. Renee looks impatient. "Tell me or I'll tell them you have no medical insurance." I do have medical insurance but I know I'll have to tell her but Max intervienes.

"Your dad has a letter for you in the box," She takes it out of the bag and Max nods. "It'll explain everything." Rowell comes in and the girls leave while I try not to move as a piece of metal is removed from my shoulder. He finishes and my phone rings. I see that it's Mai which is as good as a preacher swearing on a Sunday. I answer.

"Derek's gone and he didn't tell me he was going anywhere," I had gotten scared for nothing. "Unless he told you?" Did my step brother tell me where he was going? She had to ask.

"I'm in the hospital so he had to get Red," I remember about having no shirt or jacket. "Please call him and tell him I need a shirt and jacket so he needs to come here. Mai, while I have you here, let's talk about your feelings towards-" She hangs up and I sit in the room awkwardly as nurses walk past then walk back to stare, why couldn't my dad not make me do weights? Renee and Max walk in, Renee blushes before looking away. "Did you read the letter?" She nods, still not looking at me while Max openly gawges at me and my phone pings. What hospital and did you find her? I send him the details and Renee glances at me when she thinks I can't see, she's the only one I feel comfortable about staring at me.

"So, ghosts and demons exist?" I nod and she sits down on the bed beside me, it sends shivers down my spine. "And I'm the new Genius because of my eidetic memory?" I nod again and she gestures at Max. "And she's actually three hundred years old? And you're part of the Unseen?" I nod and Rowell leads Derek in who has a shirt, a button one thankfully.

"Hey, step brother, you have a fan club outside," He looks at Renee and Max before tossing me the shirt. "And inside who are much more my type," He reaches for their hands and they both step back. I put my shirt on carefully and Rowell leaves. "Which one of you beautiful ladies is Genius?" Renee does an awkward wave thing and he smiles in a way I don't like. "Renee, would you like to join the Unseen and get revenge for your dads?" I can see a struggle in her mind but she seems to decide.

"For my dad and Nathan," She looks at Max. "Can you come?" She does and doesn't want her to come. Max shakes her head and hugs Renee.

"But you can call me or stay with me if you need to," She looks at me and Derek. "The entire Unseen can." We smile and nod. We leave and get in the truck, the three of us in the cab with Derek driving due to my injuries. Back to Base we go.

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