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At night, my guilt comes out. It has since I wrote that fucking list and Raum found it. I thought reuniting the Unseen would stop him but I was wrong. I get up and walk outside. It's my fault that Hannah has no one, that Renee has no one, that Mai has no one, that Derek and Cole have no one, it's all on me. Why couldn't Hannah be a bitch? Why did she have to be so nice and beautiful? I hear someone leave their room and see Cole who's shirtless, he's about to get another fan club. He stands beside me and never in my entire life have I felt so inadequate.

"Toby, stop beating yourself up about it," Of course he knows why I'm out here. "I was thinking of doing the same thing. I wanted to reunite the Unseen too," He pats my back. "You didn't know that Raum would find it and kill our families-" A door slams and we turn to see Renee, oh shit. She's only wearing a shirt, it's a long one but still.

"It's your fault?" I nod and tears cloud my vision. "It must've been an accident, you wouldn't do that on purpose," We barely know each other. "You wouldn't have hurt...the original Researcher." I didn't mean to hurt Aunt Jenna, I couldn't hurt Aunt Jenna on purpose. I smile at her.

"Thanks, Genius," Pretending to be okay is better for everyone else. I walk back into my room and Hannah's crying. I go to her and hold her hand. "Hannah, it's okay," I don't know why she's crying but I want to help her feel better, Bon Jovi. "It's all the same, only the names will change, everyday it seems we're wasting away, another place where the faces are so cold, I'd drive all night just to get back home-" She stops crying and covers my mouth. 

"You're a really bad singer," I shrug and she laughs before going serious. "Who did Raum kill?" Bad topic but she really wants to know.

"My Aunt Jenna, Renee's dads, Mai's entire family, Cole's dad and Derek's mom," I squeeze her hand and she squeezes back. "Raum thinks we're just kids who won't do shit but," I remember Aunt Jenna's body, her head was in the oven while her body was on the table. "He's going to regret killing our families when we rip his heart out or burn the gates of hell, killing his family." She smiles at the thought and hugs me. Warmth spreads through me and I breath in her scent, strawberries. She lets go and falls asleep. I go to my side of the bed and lay down but don't sleep. I stare at the cracks on the ceiling and I know that I'll never forgive myself, Hannah is on my list of people I've hurt. My phone buzzes and I see the number, 666. I go into the restroom and answer it.

"Hello Toby," Raum sounds smug and I want to punch him in the face. "I thought you were never going to answer again?" Fuck you. "So, where are you?"

"A motel," I hang up and block the number. It won't work but I'm going to try. Raum has been calling since I wrote the list, worst mistake I've ever made. I open the restroom door to see him standing over Hannah and I grab him. "Leave now or I'll-" Raum laughs.

"You'll what? Wake her up?" He gestures at Hannah. "She has no training and I could tell her that you're the reason I killed her entire family. A car crash was so impersonal, slashing the throat was impersonal but tearing someone apart," He sighs happily and I pick up my gun from the dresser behind me. "The blood dripping down my face was heavenly for a demon anyway." I shot raise my gun and shoot the salt round at his head. He disappears and Hannah opens her eyes.

"What happened?" I put my gun away and start packing. "Toby, what-" I look at her and she shuts up.

"Go wake the others, tell them Raum was just here," She gets up and I notice the tank top and shorts. I pass her a hoodie. "I'd put that on," She puts it on as she runs to get the others and I finish packing. I pull on some pants and see Raum in the mirror. I shoot the mirror and the others run in. "He knows we're here, we have to keep driving. I'll drive first."  Hannah packs quickly and pulls on some sweatpants. We run out and Mai leaves the keys to the rooms back. I get the keys for Red and climb in. Hannah rides shotgun and the others pile into the back. I grip the steering wheel, trying not to think about what Raum said. Hannah touches my shoulder.

"It's okay," It's my fault that you're all alone in the world. "Raum didn't hurt anyone this time," I have to tell her, I need to tell her. I blink and a ghost appears in the road. "WATCH OUT!" I step on it and the iron bumper makes it disappear. Hannah's shaking and I take her hand then squeeze it.

"It's okay, it's not the first and it won't be the last," And that's when I notice the ghost with its hands around her throat. "Let go of her," It tightens its grip on her neck and I take out the salt shaker in my pocket before tossing the salt in its face. It disappears and Hannah shivers. "There's a blanket under the seat, I'm sorry I didn't-" She kisses me and I almost drive off the road. She breaks away and I drive, staring at the road as Raum's words echo in my head, I could tell her that you're the reason I killed her entire family. It's Cole's turn to drive so I pull over and get out before Hannah can say anything. I climb into the back as the words still echo, I could tell her that you're the reason I killed her entire family. Mai smiles at me and I know that it's not good.

"So, you and Hannah?" I just stare at the side of the road and she looks confused. "But she's clearly into you and you're clearly into her, why not?" Because it's my fault that she has nobody in the world. I decide to make her angry and hit a nerve.

"Why aren't you with Derek?" Derek wants to punch me and Mai curls into Derek's hoodie. "You both are very into each other and hate me which builds a bond." Derek punches me in the face and I'm black out. 

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