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"I don't know," I run my hands through my hair. "One second we were stuck in our own heads then all of a sudden we were outside the hospital with a note saying that Mai and Derek were inside." It's been a confusing twenty minutes with Hannah and Max asking a lot of questions. Derek and Mai are finally leaving the hospital while Cole stares gloomily out the window of the mini. Cole looks at Hannah.

"Did Renee miss me?" She nods and gives me a look that makes my heart skip a beat. "Max, I think we should leave these two alone for a couple of minutes." Hannah covers her face and I look at my hands. After a tense couple of minutes, I look up.

"Hannah, do you hate me for what I did? Making the list?" Hannah shakes her head and I touch my scar. "Why not? It's my fault that we're in this mess." Hannah takes my hand in hers carefully.

"You didn't mean to hurt anyone except demons," She nods at Mai and Derek who are kissing. "In the case of love, you've helped all of us find someone we care about, romantically and not romantically. You don't deserve hate, you deserve forgiveness." She kisses my scar and I close my eyes but that's a bad idea, gran's throat slit, mom's still beating heart. I look at my hands.

"Some people aren't able to forgive me, not that they should," I look at Cole and Derek who are doing the same. "He made us do terrible things...He made Cole kill my mom, he made me kill Derek's uncle and he made Derek kill Cole's mom and sister...We don't deserve forgiveness," I look at her, about to do something horrible for the right reason. "I don't deserve you," She touches my cheek and slams my head against the door. "What the fuck?" She breathes heavily.

"You don't get to decide that you don't deserve me or not," I rub my head. "I want you, okay? I don't care if I deserve you or not. Do you want me?" I nod and she tries to hit me but I grab her arm. "Then why did you say that? Why did you try to get me to not want you?" I look at her, the memories making me sick.

"Because people who give a shit about me get hurt...I don't want you to get hurt," I kiss her gently, letting go of her arm. I pull away, looking at the others. "So, what's the plan for getting Renee back?" Max gives Hannah a look and Hannah clears her throat.

"She may have been arrested because I told the police that she was on the interstate," Cole looks at her like she kicked a puppy with steel toed boots. "She almost got me arrested and it was the only way that could slow her down." Cole turned on the radio and we all listen to the local news.

"Today, the police almost caught Renee Baudelaire who is wanted for the murders of Andrew and Nathan Baudelaire and Dean Jones," Derek's face pales and he looks moments away from vomiting as the male presenter continues. "They have arrested sixty three year old Alma Carter in order to locate her. In other news, the alligators left the Bayou due to activity in the mines which is believed to be connected to Renee Baudelaire and Hannah Hastings, who killed her grandmother, as one of Baudelaire's victims' brother was involved and seen with the girls-" Cole turns off the radio suddenly.

"Hannah, Max, Toby and Derek, drive to Salem while me and Mai will track her in Alma's house," Everyone shakes their heads. "What don't you like about that plan?" Derek crosses his arms, giving him a 'are you serious' look.

"You need to go to Salem. The only way I got control was because Mai was there," Hannah and Mai both nod while I shrug. "Renee needs you to help. She may have chose this but he'll do exactly what he did to us...He'll make her watch as he hurts the people she cares about." Cole walks away and Derek goes to follow when I stop him.

"I'll talk to him," I follow Cole and sit beside him on a bench. "Cole, do you care about Renee?" He nods, frowning at me. "Then, get your ass to Salem with me, Max and Hannah. Derek will want to help Mai find her. If you care about her, you have to come with us. Derek's right. He'll hurt the people she cares about which is why we need our Warrior." I get up and go back to the others. After a couple of seconds, Cole comes back and points at Derek.

"You're going to stay with Mai while I go with the others to Salem," We all nod and my phone rings. I see 666 and glance at Cole. "Go answer whoever that is. Maybe Renee got temporary control and a phone." I walk away and answer it. Raum laughs in Renee's voice.

"I thought you weren't going to answer," I don't say anything and he/she sighs. "I hoped you would be more fun. Anyway, I need you to tell me where Renee's little guardian is. In exchange, I'll leave Hannah alone when I come to kill all of you." I glance at Hannah and sigh.

"I'll tell you where her guardian is when Hell freezes over," I mutter into the phone. "I hope you enjoy trying to her guardian when you don't know if Max is a he or a she, what she looks like, et cetera. I'm not the idiot I used to be, if all the Unseen is on your to kill list, we all go down together," I hang up and walk back to the others. "Raum has Renee and wanted me to tell him where Max was in exchange for sparing Hannah. I told him I'd tell him when Hell freezes over. Should I be calling Raum a she or a he?" Max frowns at me.

"You told him no? You sold out the Unseen members to him by accident by trying to help others," I give her a hurt look. "You had the chance to save Hannah but you just said no...Why?" I shrug, leaning against the mini.

"I've learned from my mistakes and I'm not the same idiot I used to be," I clap my hands and open the mini door. "So, who wants to save Renee?" Me and Hannah end up in the back together while Max drove with Cole staring out the window. My phone buzzes and I look to find a text from 666, Promise you'll kill me. I put it away before anyone can read it and we go to save Renee even if she doesn't want saved.

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