Chapter One

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Henry P.O.V

I walked to Junk-n-Stuff to meet my boss,Ray Manchester. It was a sunny day in Swellview ,birds were chirping and dogs were barking. I pulled open the front door and the fire breathing dragon head shot out fake flames as I passed it. I pushed the elevator button with my index finger and the doors opened. I winced for the long way down to the Man Cave. I stepped inside and the metal doors closed. The floor shot out from underneath me and I screamed until my body planted itself on the floor that had dropped ten feet below me. The elevator's metal doors opened and I saw Ray sitting on the couch. He glanced over at me and I could clearly see him holding in a laugh. I got to my feet and staggered out like I was drunk.

"Hey,kid! Did I butt beep you?" Ray asked me once I sat down.

"No,Ray. Just wanted to cone down here,get away from everything,ya know?" I told him,putting my head in my hands.

"Piper?" Ray asked,his voice cracked with chuckles.

"Yup" I groaned,my he'd hurt with the thought of her frantic and murderous screams.

Ray patted my back as he went to get some food from the Auto Snacks Machine. "There there, kid" he said, then ruined it by bursting out laughing. I groaned and ran my hand through my blonde hair. 

"Lighten up,dude!" Ray said in a surfer accent. I sighed and gave him a laugh. He smiled and ordered himself some French fries. "Thanks" I tell him. He gave me another smile,this time a toothy one. "No problem" he said,eating a fry. I snagged one and laughed at his shocked face. "Ha! " I said.

"That's coming out your paycheck!" Ray told me,but his voice had enthusiasm in it.

"It's nine freaking dollars! Whatcha gonna do give me eight dollars an hour?" I shot back with a smirk and a arm fold.

"That to!" Ray laughed.

"Well,if we're taking things out my paycheck....guess ya won't mind if I" I said and grabbed the fries. Ray looked at me with a dirty glare. "Seven dollars an hour?" I said innocently and batted my eyelashes. Ray shoved me and took the fries. He was laughing until I yelped in pain. He looked at me with clear worry.

"You okay?" he asked. I grabbed my ankle in pain. Wincing I replied. 

"No,ow! My ankle! It hurts!" I yelped weakly. Ray fell to his knees checking on my sore ankle.

"Oh,kid! I'm sorry,I hadn't ment to hurt you!" Ray cried out,looking at me with plain in his eyes.

"It's fine,Ray!" I told him and he grinned. "Can you stand up?" he asked me. I tried,the pain overpowered my leg and I stumbled. Ray caught me in his arms and took me to the couch.

"You should go home,kiddo!" Ray said and I accepted it without a doubt. Ray lifted me on to his back and we went up the tube.

As we got in the upstairs area of Junk-n-Stuff, Ray walked me to the door. "Tell your mom you tripped" Ray told me and I nodded. Sure,I hated lying but if my mom knew Ray had pushed me he'd be road kill. "Straight home!" Ray orders as I limp out the door.

Halfway down the road I hear whispers and footsteps in an alley way. With fear I got out my bubblegum. The sounds got louder and I chewed one. Blowing it changed me into my superhero self,Kid Danger,of course I did all this behind a parked red Chevy Malibu. I put my gum away and walked into the alley. Then I was pounced on by an outside force. I groaned in pain as my chest hit the dirt ,knocking the breath out of me. Then somebody grabbed my legs. I howled in pain as they touched my weak ankle. I heard laughter just before everything went black.....


The bright light burned my eyes and I blinked to adjust them. The room was small and about six or eight tens were surrounding me,each wearing black clothing stsind with graffiti pair. The Walldogs! "What do you want!" I snarled at their boss. Van Diel smiled and so did the teens. I felt my heart race a tiny bit as Veronika came forward. "Hey,Kid Danger" she said all flirty like. She twirled her hair on her finger. "Is this suppose to help?" I ask,my stomach churning. Veronika gnashed her teeth and stepped away. Van Diel traced his finger in my arm where the Walldogs marking would be.

"Ah,Kid Danger you were so good as a bad boy" he sighed,still tracing.

"I'm not evil! I'm NOT a vandal"  I yelled jerking my arm back. Van Diel smiled warmly which was weird. "I know...Henry"he laughed. What! How does he know my name? How!

"What, how do you know my name!?" I screamed.

"Kid Danger:Henry! Easy,Veronika stalked you with her camera she implanted in you before you two broke up" Van explained. I glanced at my ex-girlfriend in shock."Where'd you implant it?!" I demanded. 

"In your Kid Danger costume of course! So we knew just when to attack,when your weak and helpless!" Veronika cackled.

"I'm not helpless! Captain Man will help me!" I screamed.

"Don't you mean Ray Manchester?" Van Diel asked. I gasped.

"Leave.Him.Out.Of.This!" I snarled.

"He has nothing to do with it! It's me you want! Tear me to shreds! I don't care,but I'm not going down without a fight!" I say and lurch up.

"We'll see about that" Veronika said and punched me in the face.

I heard them laugh just as my world went black......

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