Chapter four

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Ray P.O.V

Concrete. Cold concrete was all I felt. It was dark in the ally where I was. Then,my memory came flooding back to me. Henry,the Wall still had him. Meaning I have failed to protect him. But,you know what they say,if at first you don't succeed try try again!

Henry P.O.V

Where am I now? This room was dark,darker then night. I heard absolutely nothing. Am I alone? Then,the light flickered on. Veronika stood in the doorway. I gulped,trying to ignore my racing heart. She came closer to me and smiled. 

"I've been asked to punish you...for trying to escape." she snarled.

"Escape,what the hell do you mean?" I said,more bolder than I felt.

"Captain Man, he trued to save you...he failed" Veronika replied, eyes narrowed at mine,

Ray tried to save me,I thought. 

"Well,get it over with!" I snapped and closed my eyes.

Veronika had come closer,I felt her body heat as she grabbed me. Next thing I knew,I was through to the back wall. I opened my eyes then closed them. My head swam. I passed out.

Ray P.O.V

I entered Junk-n-Stuff. Charlotte looked up hopeful, all that hope fizzled out of her when she saw I was alone. "I failed..." I sighed. Charlotte walked to me,but I went down to the Man Cave. 

The Walldogs still had Henry. God,I hate myself! I can't even my son

I sighed and thought of a plan to save Henry.

Henry P.O.V

Blood. It trickled down my face. My eyebrow was split open. I winced at the touch. My Kid Danger glove, even though it was dirty,I could clearly see the blood. I sighed and looked around,I was in the same room. Then it hit me,Ray couldn't save me.... No one could save me!

What if I'm stuck here with the Walldogs ....forever?!

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