You get jealous

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Dean : you were at a bar having a few drinks with the boys when you noticed the waitress kept glancing at Dean. She then leaned in and wrote her number down, giving it to Dean with a wink. You could feel the anger building up inside you.
That's when Dean spoke:
" actually, I don't think I'll need it " he said.
You looked confused and so did the waitress.
" That's my girlfriend over there, I don't think she would appreciate me cheating on her" he added, smiling down at you and giving back the phone number to the shocked waitress.

Sam: You were at the library doing research for a case you were working on, and Sam was about to bring more books. You were still doing research and you didn't notice that he hadn't returned yet. You saw him walking back to you from afar, but he stopped when he saw that a girl was unable to catch a book. He stopped, grabbed it and handed the book the young beautiful brunette. Cliché. You felt jealousy rising up into you when you saw that he was still standing there, talking to the girl and sending her a genuine smile. But you quickly noticed it was getting awkward because he was beginning to scratch his neck, laugh nervously and he kept wiping his - probably sweaty- hands on his jeans. She had her back facing you but seing the attitude of Sam you were sure she was flirting.
You decided to go and help your boyfriend because you were not that cruel. You knew perfectly that he was very uncomfortable in this kind of situation.
You got up and slowly made your way to Sam and the girl.
"Hey Babe" you say, placing a kiss on Sam's cheek.
"Oh hi, I didn't seen you. And you are?"
You said, turning to face the girl who was visibly shocked but was trying to hide it in vain.
"Oh uh i-it's nothing,  I was just asking a little help to reach a book. Well uh I-I gotta go, bye" she said, leaving quickly and awkwardly shoving a shelf when passing by.
You felt bad for the girl but you definitely couldn't let her flirt with your boyfriend.
"Jealous?" Sam asked with a smirk.
"Me? Oh not at all, I saw that you looked very comfortable with that girl that's all. "
He answered with a laugh and a quick peck on the lips.

Castiel: You were having a walk in a  park with Cas. He didn't know and couldn't understand what the PDA was, that's why people didn't think you two were a couple : you were just two people having a simple walk together.
That's when a dog ran up to him and you could see a woman running to the dog, desperately trying to catch her dog. The dog stopped running, and Cas knelt to pet it, a growing smile on his face. He took the dog and went to her grateful mistress. You couldn't help but to feel jealous. Not because of the mistress, no, because of the dog. Yes it's pretty weird, I know. But he had a way of looking at the dog so deeply, he had a real genuine smile and showed him affection.
"Is everything fine Y/N?" He asked anxiously.
"Yes yes, everything is fine"
"Tell me what's wrong," he insisted
"It's quite stupid ... But it's just that you looked so happy. You looked at that dog as if it was the most beautiful thing in the world. And you never show me affection in public, I feel like you're ashamed of being with me " you said, looking down and feeling tears in your eyes.
He seemed taken aback for a moment and then you took your hands and looked you in the eye.
"Y/N you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Your smile is enough to make me happy and I honestly don't know why you're staying with me, I don't know anything about this human life and you deserve so much better. I don't show affection to you in public because I'm afraid you will be ashamed if somebody sees you with me ... "
You cupped his face and placed your lips on his gently, feeling his arms wrap around your waist.
"Don't you ever think that, I love you."
"I love you too Y/N"

Lucifer : Lucifer had just returned from a long and exhausting day and you wanted to help him relax so you decided to call a masseur. Luci was spread on his stomach, shirtless, with the masseur besides him, rubbing his back. You knew that there was nothing special about this, it was just a simple massage but you couldn't stand to see the hands of another person on your man. So you tried to distract yourself by reading a book but when you looked up from you book minutes later, you saw that she was massaging his chest this time. Only you never told her to do so. You suddenly got up and you walked towards the woman.
" Leave" you spat.
"Sorry?" She asked, confused.
"I said leave" you repeated, giving her a death glare.
You saw that she wasn't moving so you pulled the knife you had in your boot.
"Do I need to say it again?" You asked her, pointing the knife in her direction. He left running and you shut the door. When you came back, Lucifer was lying on his side, looking at you with an amused smile.
You didn't give him time to talk because you spoke first:
" Nobody touches you like that except me" you told him.
He laughed and hugged , pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"I'm so lucky to have you"
" I know right? " you replied with a smirk and kissing the corner of his mouth before getting out of his grasp and leaving to finish the book you started reading while Luci was complaining about how he didn't get his massage finished.

Gabriel: You were at the supermarket with Gabriel buying candy, of course. You could see the sparkle in his eyes when he saw all the different candy there was. You knew you didn't have to be jealous, especially not of stupid things like candy but you couldn't help feeling the jealousy in your stomach.
"Are you okay Y/N? " Gabriel asked, examining your face.
"W-What? Oh yeah sorry I was just uh thinking about something " you replied.
He nodded and went to the cashier to pay.
Naturally, the cashier thought that you were preparing the birthday of your kid and congratulated you for the child. You blushed immediately, she didn't know that all this was only for Gabe but he thanked her anyway and didn't bother to explain the true reason for these purchases.
You came home and started placing each item where it belonged.
"Okay now tell me what's wrong" Gabriel interrupted you.
"Nothing, why?"
"Don't lie to me Y/N I can see when something is bothering you"
You sighted, knowing you couldn't hide anything from him because he knew you too well.
"Okay, i-it's just that you really love  candy and I feel like I'm not any of your priorities" you said, ashamed of being jealous of simple candy.
"But Y/N you don't have to worry about you! I have whatever candy I want and whenever I want, but you are unique. You're the only person who can bring me back to reality even if my life with you is a like a dream. Don't ever doubt my love for you, you are the person for whom I could drop everything. You mean the world to me and I will never stop loving you " he said sincerely, cupping your face and looking you straight into the eyes.
You had a few tears running down you cheeks because of his wonderful speech and he placed kisses on each one, causing you to giggle.

Crowley : You were in hell. You weren't dead, but you were visiting your king. You were curently walking to the throne room, where you knew he would be. You opened the heavy doors and made your way to the center of the room, before seeing a demon trying to flirt with your man. You knew Crowley would never cheat on you but you didn't like the way he/she was looking at your king. You clenched your jaw angrily and walked to the demon, stabbing it with Ruby's knife in the back and watching him/her " die " quickly. The few people that were in the room gave you all their attention.
" You must that I'm the queen here and that nobody can approach my man. Do you understand? Nobody!" You say with a threatening voice.
The demons nodded fearfully and left the room, leaving you alone with Crowley.
You turned to Crowley who was looking at you smirking.
" That demon wasn't anyone important right? " You asked, with a sly chuckle.
" No, not at all " he replied calmly.
" I'm sorry if I seemed a little jealous back there " you said, laughing nervously.
" Well I think it was hot," he answered, placing you on his lap and kissing you.

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