What you two do on week ends

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Dean: When you have free time you go to rock concerts. It's obviously quite expensive but you always manage to sneak in discreetly.

Sam: During the weekends when you don't have any hunting to do, you often stay at Bobby's, cuddling on the couch with a blanket to keep you warm while you two watch disney movies all day.

Castiel: when you have free time you usually go for a walk. Sometimes he zaps you in a snowy country and you make snow fights, snowmen or angels in the snow. You spend hours playing like children. Cas takes you back home when he sees you're starting to get cold.

Lucifer: You love discovering the world, but since you're a huntress it's quite difficult to have free time. So when your boyfriend Lucifer and you with free time, he zaps you wherever you want to go. You spend a great weekend whether you're in Australia with kangaroos and koalas, in Paris with the Eiffel Tower and romantic restaurants, somewhere on a tropical island or in the beautiful deserts of Dubai. You constantly thank him when you come back home because you know he would do anything just for you to be happy.

Gabriel: With Gabriel it's simple, you spend your weekends cooking all kinds of pastries and of course eating them afterwards, making pranks to anyone you cross or doing other activities in the bedroom * wink wink *

Crowley: When Crowley finishes torturing souls, he gives you a dress to wear and then, the second you open your eyes you discover that you are in a five stars restaurant in Paris with a view of the Eiffel Tower and the best wine.

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