Sam Imagine

255 5 2

Plot : you're in an unestablished relationship with Sam and he gets jealous.


You took a sip of your coffee, the warmth making you hum in appreciation. You took a look out the window, small snowflakes were falling, covering the ground in a thick layer of snow. You mentally applauded yourself for finding a warm place to stay while you waited for Sam to come back from wherever he had gone.

Dean and Cas had stayed in the bunker *wink wink* while you and Sam had gone into town to meet two hunters who had called, saying they needed help with a case.

You were supposed to meet them at 4:30 and it was already 5:02, they were fashionably late. Just as you were about to get up and go looking for Sam, the doorbell ringed, indicating that someone had entered the shop.
Please be them, you thought.

You got up, leaving your coffee on the wooden table, when you recognized a long time friend of yours. You realized just how stupid you had been not to ask Sam the hunters' names.

" (Y/N)! I can't believe it's really you! " your hunter friend called, engulfing you in a hug.

" Travis! It's been so long! How have you been? " you exclaimed returning the hug, before pulling out to take a look at his face.

" Good, you know just the usual cases here and there. How is the love life? Still single? Cause you know I am " he winked, making you blush and look at the ground.

You couldn't really answer the question properly. You had a huge crush on Sam, the two of you flirted non stop though he never did a move, which always left you confused as to what he was feeling towards you.

You were about to answer when a voice behind you interrupted you.
" Her love life is great actually, now how about we go back to business? " Sam's voice responded, as you felt his hands on your waist, pressing you against him.

You blushed even more, his hands leaving tingles on your skin, his hot breath on your neck caused goosebumps on your arms.

" Sorry man, I didn't know you two were together " Travis apologized, holding up his hands in defeat.


You watched as the white car draft off in the dark, the two hunters now gone, which left you alone with Sam.
You hadn't been able to comprehend his previous actions. Had he been jealous? That's what it looked like but you were pretty sure that was impossible.
We're not even together for Christ's sake! You sighted.

Right on cue Sam arrived, his long hair looked a little wet from the snow, but he looked really good.
You faced him, shivering a little because of the cold as you hugged yourself to find the slightest source of warmth.

" We need to talk. What the hell was that back there? " you exclaimed, your sudden outburst surprising Sam and even yourself.

" Well- Umm I " he stuttered, not knowing what to answer. To be honest he didn't even know himself why he had acted the way he did. When he saw a guy flirting with (Y/N) something inside of him clicked. It's like he just had to show everyone you were his, he just wanted to hold you against him and it's exactly what he unconsciously did. Of course when he realized the position you were in it was already too late.

" I like you (Y/N) " he announced after a minute of silence.

Your eyes widened and your body stiffened suddenly. " Wha-what? "
You were 100% sure you had heard him wrong. There was no way Sam, the incredibly smart ad handsome Sam would like someone like you. Sure, you were a hunter which required guts but aside from that you were really an ordinary girl.
You barely had the time to register what he said that you felt a pair of lips on your own. Realizing what was going on you kissed back, your arms wrapping around Sam's neck as you stood on your tiptoes.
You pulled away, your forehead pressed against Sam's as you breathed heavily.

" I like you too Sam " you breathed, suddenly you weren't as cold anymore.


All right guys, 1st imagine requested by Informulable
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