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"So sonny," Josh sat next to the girl. It was the graduation after party. Some people went with their families out to dinner or something, but in this case, Josh and Sonny had attended the after party, hosted by Tyler. "What's it like? Being valedictorian?"

Sonny glanced at him, then back down at her drink. "Great." She responded blandly.

"Oh my god," Josh let out a gasp in mock astonishment. "You can practically hear the misery in your voice. I guess being the smartest person in our graduating class must've been such a daunting task!"

Sonny rolled her eyes at his remark. "You are literally proving a few of the reasons that I broke up with you as we speak. You do realize that, right?"

"Why do you always have to bring that up?" He responded, almost as if he didn't even really care. The way he held himself in that moment, slightly hunched with his elbow leaning on the table and a small grin tugging at his lips, made it seem as if he didn't.

"Why do you always have to act the way you do?" She shot back.

"Because there are some people in our grade that would love to be valedictorian or even the runner up, but you're over here moping."

"Okay, I am not moping." She rejected, rolling her eyes at his comment.

"Yeah, you are. You're sitting here all by yourself while everybody else is dancing and having a good time. You know who would've been out there dancing with me?"


"The Sonny that I knew. The old Sonny."

Sonny turned in her seat and gave him a look. "The old Sonny only did the stuff she did because she knew you would've liked her more."

"The old Sonny wasn't such a hard ass." Josh remarked.

"The old Sonny loved you more than anything, but she knew you didn't feel the same way." She remarked, becoming increasingly frustrated with her ex.

Josh scoffed and shook his head. "You still believe that? Jesus Christ, Sonny. You know what? I'm starting to see why I was okay with us breaking up."

"Was?" Sonny asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

Josh decided to avoid the question. "So I heard you're going on a road trip?"

Sonny furrowed her brow, wondering how in the world he would even know that. So, she just lied to him. "Whoever you heard that from is wrong."

"So you're saying Jenna lied to me and Tyler? Her boyfriend and best friends?" Josh looked his ex up and down, almost as if he was trying to offend her. "Besides you of course,"

"Just because stuff happened between me and you doesn't mean that I can't be friends with Jenna. She has nothing to do with us, Josh," Sonny shook her head. "so my being around shouldn't affect your friendship with her. I'm so terribly sorry if you hate my company."

He spoke in a dramatic voice. "You think I hate your company?" He put his hand on his chest. "I'm offended," he dropped his hand and continued speaking in a normal voice. "I actually really enjoy your company. We would've been together longer if you felt the same way but you obviously didn't."

Sonny looked down at her drink. She brought it up to her lips and took a small sip. "Whatever, J." She gave up on arguing with him.

"Give me one good reason why I should believe that you cared just as much I did."

"I'm done," she spoke in a soft voice. "I don't wanna argue with you." She felt guilty. She knew she was the one who broke it off and she didn't really have any room the beg for him back or give him a hard time, but getting caught up in an argument with Josh was just so easy. He had a shit eating grin on his face the entire time and his voice was laced with cockiness, but the look in his eyes showed concern. Sonny always felt as if she had to make things right between them, but his ego and attitude made it hard for her to admit she was wrong. Especially when she knew he was going to get the satisfaction of being right.

"Good, so you won't argue with me if I said I wanna accompany you on your little cross country voyage?" Remarked Josh, the sarcasm thick in his voice.

"Okay, no, you are not coming."

"Why are you even going all the way to California anyway?"

"Are you sure you don't know the reason? I'd assume that you do, seeing as you know that I'm doing this anyway, but I've never said one word to you about it." She sassed. It wasn't one of her usual things, but Josh brought out the worst in her.

"Well, as mush as I would like to know your every move at every moment, I actually don't know why you're going."

Sonny let out a heavy, defeated sigh as she gave in. "I got into Stanford and there's an orientation." 

Josh gave her an incredulous look. "Wait wait... the Stanford?"

Sonny nodded slowly.

"Like... practically ivy league Stanford?" He asked again.

Sonny nodded. "Is it that hard to believe?"

The brown haired boy shook his head. "No, not at all. It's just..." seeing as he was just fucking with her about the whole surprised act and he could tell she wasn't feeling her best, he figured he might as well give it up. "It's just you never wanna do anything that involves disappointing your parents. And knowing your parents, moving across the country is a big deal for them."

Sonny glared at him. "Well why do you wanna go so badly?"  

"I'm moving there and I need to look for a place."

She gave him a mock-incredulous look. "Oh my god. Just when I thought I would be able to get away from you."

"Mhm, yeah," responded Josh. He was getting slightly annoyed at how sassy she was being. "I'm gonna do the thing that black Cindy did on orange is the new black when she wanted to convert. I'm gonna ask three times. The first two times, I'll expect a no. But the last time, I wanna hear yes. can I go with you?"

Sonny shook her head.

"Can I go with you?" He asked a second time.

"No, you're not going with me. The whole point of me applying all the way across the country was because I wanted to get away from here."

"Can I go with you?" He asked, expecting it to be his last time.

Sonny looked down and shook her head. "I can't believe I'm about to do this." She said in a whisper. She turned her head back to Josh. "Do you have gas money?"

Josh grinned. "Yes." He answered, the excitement evident in his voice.

Sonny fully caved after seeing how happy her ex looked. "Fine."

"I can go?"

"Yes," she sighed. She had a feeling of regret deep inside of her, but at the same time, she felt lucky. She was going to be on the road with Josh for two weeks.

"I love you sonny," he told her, a cocky smile adorning his lips. "like a lot. Not even kidding."

I have a dollar, you have a car // Josh DunUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum