New job? or nightmare

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Heyy guys sorry for not updating a new chapter for a long time so here ya go!

~The next day~

~(Y/N P.O.V)~

I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock. So i got up and change my clothes. After i change i went downstairs to make breakfast but instead i saw lucinda making panckaes. I don't know how she got in my house. Hmm maybe i'll just ask her. so i walk up to her and said "Good morning lucinda1 what r u doing here?." "Oh good morning y/n! and i'm here to tell you that i found a job for you!" she daid in an excited voice.

"Okay what kind of job is it?" i asked. "You'll see and i think you'll love it" she daid. I was kinda scared but i guess i'll have to trust lucinda for this since she is my best friend. 

~(time skip to you and lucinda walking to ur new job because author~chan is kinda lazy)~

"Umm lucinda are we almost there?" i asked. "Yeah... oh wait where here!" when we reached there it was a----

Hhahaha cliffhanger! Heyy guys sorry for the short chapter i try to do my best because i have alot of homework and test for school! so i just try to make another chapter for you guys! maybe i'll make another one later or tommorow just please don't get mad at me!

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