Chapter 1 (Esmeralda Stone)

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Chapter 1 (Esmeralda's pov)
"Listen princess when you get to the planet Earth location beach city, find your cousin Steven when you find Steven you will find the crystal gems they will help you from there. I love you." My dad explained to me, as he helped me into the escape pod. "But dad-" I said "No buts Esmeralda, just go I love you with all that I am. I know this is hard but you have to go before they find you. I don't want to say goodbye..." He said sadly buckling me in to the chair. The yelling got closer from the people that were after me. "Than don't! Say I'll see you later." I said grabbing his shoulders. "I'll see you later my beautiful daughter, be safe I love you." He said kissing the green gem that was on my forehead. "I love you too." I whispered as he pulled away. He closed the door, it automatically locked. Just he pressed the button for the escape pod, to go on its course to earth. The door behind him busted opened revealing the people after me. I watched as they pulled off my dads gem, and my dad poofed into it. Tears ran down my face as the last part of my immediate family was bubbled and sent away. I curled into a ball and closed my eyes, hopefully I can find Steven. I've met him once just when he was born, he was such a cute baby. I smiled thinking of the little boy and how he smiled when I made funny faces at him. *hours later* I heard voices. "Do you think a enemy from home world is inside?" A familiar voice asked "Pearl if it's an enemy, why are they in a ESCAPE pod. Clearly this gem was trying to escape." Another familiar voice said my eyes flutter open. "Both of you enough! We will figure out why and what the gem is doing here on earth." Another voice said. I sat up quickly and unbuckled the seat belt. I heard the bending of medal, than the door to the escape pod was ripped off. I shielded my eyes from the bright sun.  "Who are you?! And What are you doing on earth?!" A tall dark skinned gem asked while the other to got their weapon at the ready. "Garnet! Pearl! Amethyst! Is that an escape pod?!" I heard a tiny voice ask I know that voice anywhere....STEVEN! "STEVEN UNIVERSE!?" I yelled getting out the escape pod swiftly, I dodged the attacks of the gems. I ran toward Steven with open arms, he happily opened his arms and ran toward me. He jumped into my arms and I spun him around. "Esmeralda!" He cheered happily. I smiled "Steven!" I said back, I missed him very much. "Steven you know this gem?" I heard one of the gems ask. Steven pulled back as I set him down on his feet. "Yes! This is my cousin! Esmeralda, dad told me about her recently! Because I found a picture of her holding me when I was..." He made sizes with his hands. "That small. I laughed "You got that right Steven." I said beaming. "Esmeralda...Stone....Rose's sister's daughter...." The pale gem said. "Yes..that's me." I said the put their weapons away. "Where's aunt Em and Uncle jet?" Steven asked curiously. "Steven..." Garnet said Steven looked at her. "It's fine." I said looking at her she nodded. I kneeled down to Steven's height, I let out a shaky breath. "Uh Steven.. Auntie Em she's gone, you know how your mom my aunt gave her life to have you?" I asked looking into his sparky brown eyes. He nodded slowly. "Auntie em did the same for me..she will always be with me. I have a her gem, just like you have aunt roses." I explained to him as I teared up. "And uncle jet?" He questioned hope in his eyes. I closed my eyes tightly "Uncle jet was poofed and bubbled." I explained as tears fell. I heard the 3 gems gasp, Steven sniffled and hugged me tightly. "Your okay, you have me and the gems and my dad!" Steven said pulling away. "Yes Steven I have you all." I said wiping my face. "You two should go inside while us gems clean up the mess." The pale gem said. "You can meet my pet lion!" Steven yelled grabbed my hand. "Pet lion?! You have a pet lion?!!! You let him have a pet lion! I can't even have a turtle!" I yelled running along with Steven. I heard the one tall gem laugh, I followed Steven up the hill to his house. It looked the same.

I followed Steven up they ladder and into the house

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I followed Steven up they ladder and into the house. I looked around, exactly the same minus the baby crib and toys. "Welp lion isn't here, you'll see him later." Steven explained "Steven do you think your dad could let me borrow a shirt and some jeans?" I asked looking down at the dress I had on. "Uh maybe! My friend Connie she might have some jeans, I can get you a band shirt from my dad." He said I nodded. "I'll join you." I said "Of course." He said smiling. He took his hand in mine than lead me outside past the gems and to the nearest car wash. I was getting weird looking from the humans. I don't mind it, I would look at someone weirdly if they were wearing a torn up green dress. We got to the car wash and I saw Greg's van. "DAD DAD DAD!" Steven yelled. I heard banging from inside the van, than the back door flew open. "Steven are you hurt?!" Greg yelled jumping out with a pan in his hand. I giggled at him. "Dad I'm fine, but look who it is!" Steven said motioning toward me, Greg looked at me. He stood up straight dropping the pan, I walked over to him. "Esmeralda..." He finally said "Hey Greg." I said I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back I smiled as I pulled away. "Your all grown up, I remember when you were like 4." He said laughing. "I'm 115 now." I said he laughed nervously. "What?" He said "15 in other words, I'm 15 Greg." I said giggling at his confused face. "Well why are you here? I thought I never see you again? How's your dad?" He asked "My dad was poofed and bubbled and evil gems were after me so I was sent here." I explained Greg winced "Evil...I'm sorry about your dad." He said I nodded. "Me too." I said "Dad we came here to see if you have a band shirt for Esmeralda." Steven said changing the subject. "Yeah hold on.." Greg said crawling into his van, the van bounced a little and you heard loud noises from inside. After a couples of seconds you heard a "Ah here it is!" Greg said coming back out with a shirt. I took it and held it up to myself, it should fit. "Thank you so much Greg." I said hugging him again. "Anytime Esme, come visit soon okay!" He said pulling away. "Of course." I said I waved as Steven pulled me down the sidewalk. "Now time to go to Connie's!" Steven said I quickly followed behind Steven, I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings. I smacked right into a wall, or a chest? "Oh my I'm sorry." I said quickly. "No it's not your fault I wasn't looking where I was going, here let me help you up." A deep husky voice said I took the hand that was offered toward me. I was pulled on my feet, I looked up at the human that was generous enough to help me up. The human was very attractive...very attractive. He gave me a small smile "Nice have." He said looking at my forehead. My face heated up "T-thank y-you." I said I mentally scolded myself for stumbling over my words. "You have a nice face!" I blurted out. He laughed "Was there something humorous in something I said?" I asked confused. "'s something I've never heard before, your different." He said picking up my shirt, he handed it to me. "We have to go before Connie has to go to bed!" Steven said running over with a bag of food? "Okay Steven, I have to go now." I said looking at the attractive human one last time before running after Steven. We made it to Connie's by the golden hour, Steven knocked. I'm guessing her mother answered. "Connie, the mini universe is here!" Her mother yelled than left as a little tan girl came to the door. "Hey Steven!" Connie said "Hey Connie this is my cousin Esmeralda!" Steven said "Steven I didn't know you had a cousin, she's a gem too?!" Connived asked while adjusting her glasses. "Yeah, kinda a lot to explain right now but we came because she's needs some jeans. Do you think your mom has a pair she can't fit anymore?" Steven asked Connie looked at me, I smiled and waved. "Yeah sure hold on." Connie said than disappeared into the house. After a while she came back with a pair of destroyed jeans. "Here you go they should fit." Connie said handing them to me. "Thank you very much Connie." I said politely she nodded. "Your welcome, Esmeralda." She said "Connie come over tomorrow and I'll explain everything." Steven said "Okay see ya." She said than closed the door after we said bye. We walked home once we got there, I stood up in Steven's room and quickly changed into the shirt, jeans, I stole some shoes from a store. They are...vans? Why would you names shoes after vans??? Humans are weird. I pulled them on surprising they fit. I combed my hands through my hair, it was all tangled. "Esmeralda..can we talk to you?" I heard one of the gems ask. I jumped down from Steven's room and landed on the couch sitting. "Sure." I said "We would like to introduce ourselves." The purple one said "I'm Garnet." The tall dark skinned one said. "Amethyst" the purple one said I waved. "And pearl." I pale gem said "We are the crystal gems." They all said together. I smiled "It's nice to meet you all." I said with a wave. "You are here on earth because..." Garnet said "Gems were after me." I said "Your mother?" Pearl said "Gave up her existence for mine." I said with a nod. "You have one gem?" Garnet asked. I shook my head. "3 gems." I said pearl and Amethyst gasped. "Where besides the one on your forehead?" Garnet asked interested. "The palms of my hands." I said lifting them up and showing them the sparkling green gems. "Your mother only had 1 gem correct?" Garnet asked "Correct but when she had me, her gem cracked perfectly into 3 pieces and these are where they are placed." I said "Can you summon your weapon?" Amethyst asked i nodded. "Garnet..where's Esmeralda?" I heard Steven's voice ask "I'm here Steven." I said standing up and looking up into his room. "Es can you come lay with me?" He asked tiredly "Very well Steven." I said I looked back at the gems. "I can show you another as of now Steven wants me to lay with him." I said they nodded and walked to the temple door and when to their rooms. I joined Steven in his bed, he snuggled into my side. "Goodnight Esmeralda." He said softly "Goodnight Steven." I said with a smile. He soon fell back to sleep and before I knew it, I was joining him.

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