Chapter 3 (Confusion)

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Chapter 3 (Esmeralda's pov)

I ran inside Steven's tidy home that Pearl cleaned. I threw my shoes down and walking into the living room part of the house but stopped. Should I have told the human? Would he not want to be a companion to me anymore? I huffed than I sat down on the floor in the middle of the house. I crossed my legs and settled my mind. "Esmeralda?" I heard a voice ask I opened my eyes and looked at the front door, there stood the human. I growled loudly "Human! What do you need?!" I asked yelling while getting up. "Let me in, I want to talk to you. I didn't mean to offend if I did, I just wanted to know what you are...because you aren't like any other human well person I've ever met...can you let me in please?" He asked "What do you mean? Is that a bad thing or a good thing?" I asked walking toward the door. "Both, now can I come in?" Jackson asked with a huff. "Quickly." I said opening the door he stepped inside. "Thank you." He said I nodded and closed the door. "Please sit." I said pointing to the couch, he sat down. I sat next to him my hands together. "What are these?" He asked taking my hands and showing the palms of my hand. He was talking about my gems, I closed my eyes. "I don't know if I should tell you, how can I trust you? I've never trusted a human." I said looking at him. My hands felt tingly, I looked down and my gems was glowing. "Sorry" I said quickly closing my hands. The glowing stopped "Don't apologize for being what you are." He said "Can I trust you?" I asked "Yes you can I won't tell anyone what you are?" He said "Promise?" I said tilting my head. "Promise." Jackson said looking into my eyes. I realized his eyes where green with brown in them, beautiful. "I'm a Gem but I'm also human. That's what these are." I said showing him my gems. "Your not from earth are you?" He asked I shook my head "No I'm not." I said "So your a gem human and your not from planet earth?" He asked confused "More or less yes." I said "Your parents are gems also?" He asked "Yes they were." I said "Esmeralda? What is a citizen of beach city doing here?" I heard Garnet's voice ask. I turned to her quickly, I laughed nervously. "Run!" I said to Jackson, I heard his quick footsteps than the front door slam closed. "Why did you tell him to run?" Garnet asked walking over. "Because I was afraid of what you would do to him...back at home world this one gem you found a human and brought him home and they shattered her gem." I said Garnet seemed to flinch. "I wouldn't hurt a human Esmeralda, I protect them. What did you to speak about?" She asked going back to her normal mysterious self. "Uh...not me being a gem and home world." I said looking away. "You told him about home world!" She said "I only told him I'm not from this planet, is that bad? Should I have not told the human where I am from and what I am?" I said getting frantic. I stood up quickly, and started panicking. "Esmeralda relax, it's okay. I can see you like this human it's okay to trust him." Garnet said calmly, it calmed me down. "Your correct, trust him." I said "Do you know where I could find him?" I asked "Nope." She said shrugging. "Do I have permission to go out and find him? Possibly stay a while?" I asked hopefully. "I don't see a problem with it. Be careful." She said "Thank you garnet!" I said running over and hugging her. She seemed taken back but hugged me back. "Your welcome.." She said surprised that I hugged her. I pulled away "Tell Steven I will watch crying breakfast friends with him tomorrow." I said grabbing my shoes and running out the front door. I heard her reply an okay, I jogged down the beach. I saw a humans walking down the beach. "Excuse me do you know where I can find the living house of Jackson?" I asked they stopped "Yeah he lives down the street past the big donut, number 2678." They said "Thank you kindly." I said, I found the big donut and walked past it. I looked at the numbers, 2676...2678! Boom found it! I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. I waited I played with a green strand of my hair, I heard a loud boom in the distance. Is it a bomb?! I banged on the door a little, I heard footsteps than the door opened. "Woah woah woah! Easy!" Jackson said as he saw me. "Why is there bombs on earth?!" I asked getting scared as I heard another loud boom. Jackson looked at me confused, than realization hit him. "That's not a bomb, that's thunder." He said "Thunder?" I asked "Yeah come inside before it starts raining." Jackson said grabbing my hand pulling me inside. I tripped and fell into him, he fell backwards. We landed on the floor, our faces inches apart. I don't know what was happening, I got up off him quickly helping him up. He closed the door, I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt again and his abs..were showing. I blushed when he saw me staring, he much like showing off how strong he is around me. "Would you like anything? Maybe something to drink?" He asked "No thank you." I said "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked grabbing a random shirt and pulling it on. "I don't mind." I said setting my shoes down. "Follow me." He said I followed him upstairs and into his room. It was nice, he had a nice bed. Nice room too. "I like your room." I said looking around. "Thank you." He said I nodded. I sat on his bed and ran my hand over the soft material. "What movie do you want to watch?" He asked "You chose." I said he nodded and chose a movie than put it in. He laid in bed at the top, while I sat at the bottom. I wanted to try something, I crawled up to where Jackson was laying. "Can I try something?" I asked "Uh..sure." He said nervously. I laid my head on his chest and curled into a ball. Jackson naturally wrapped his arm around me, I always saw my mom and dad like this. I never knew what it meant or was called. "What is this called?" I asked looking up at him. "Kung fu panda." He said "No, what we are doing?" I asked motioning to us. "Cuddling?" He said more like questioned. "What's that?" I asked looking back at the movie. "Cuddling is holding someone close to you in a affectionate or loving way." He explained. "Your holding me in a loving way?" I asked "Yes...I mean no in more of a friendly or companion type way." He said I nodded understanding. The movie started and I was interested in what was happening some parts were funny. I started falling asleep, listening to Jackson steady heart rate. Jackson ran his hand through my long green hair, my bluish green eyes fell shut and I was fast asleep.

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