Chapter 20

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ok so I'm back I don't know for how long but I know I'll be publishing this chapter. I'm pretty sure I won't get a lot of reads due for me being gone so long and people probably already forgot about this book lol. I also went back and re-read the book and realized how rushed, confusing and cringey it is omg. I realized I did have them confess their relationship to the team before in one chapter (i forgot) and then i totally forgot that i did and wrote the rest without knowing, I'm sorry. Makes me hate myself lol. I wish I could get a redo, it was painful to even read it. If I redo it then the readers I have on here wouldn't be on the redo and idk if that makes sense but oh well. I'm sorry for the cringeyness, I promise from now on it won't be so rushed and cringey so yea. 

-Reid's POV-

"Reid, I think something's wrong." JJ says as she stands through the doorway with her legs dripping in blood. I stand almost instantly and pick her up and put her in the car and start heading to the hospital. 

Once we get to the hospital nurses came rushing to her and take her to some room but they didn't let me pass. After several moments of waiting, they come out and say that JJ had a miscarriage. I feel my eyes well up with tears. I run over to JJ and ask if she's ok. I look up at her and her eyes are pitch black and her tears are blood. I step back in shock and confusion and she looks up at me and says, "What's wrong Spence? Are the babies ok? Why are you staring at me like that?" I can't help but stand there and wonder if I'm dreaming or not. I must be, they can't be dead. My babies can't be dead. I open my mouth and scream until I eventually faint and everything is black. But before I black out I heard someone say "Spence please wake up" but I can't make out who it is.

-Morgan's POV- 

I can't believe happened to Reid, It's been at least 3 months and he still hasn't woken up. The doctors said they don't know when he will wake up. Will shot him right on his upper spinal cord. They were able to fix it but it left him in a coma. He's going to be ok, I know he is, he has to be. 

JJ hasn't been sleeping ever since what happened and it hurts me to see her like this. She's carrying twins, this isn't healthy for them, but she won't listen to us at all.

It's just me and JJ in the room with Reid. The rest of the team are out on a case. They come over whenever they can. Garcia cries like all the time and she's here almost all the time. 

JJ is at the edge of his bed holding his hand and laying her head on his legs. She refuses to leave his side. She just gets up occasionally to go home and shower and eat something. 

-JJ's POV-

Why did this have to happen to him. I can't believe he hasn't woken up yet. I refuse to leave him. What if he wakes up and I'm not here. I only get up to eat and shower, I do have to eat for 3 after all. And I need to have good hygiene. 

"Spence please wake up, I can't live without you," I say while holding his hand. I feel him squeeze my hand and I instantly jolt up and hold his face in my hands. 

"Yes Spence I'm right here, squeeze my hand if you can hear me," He squeezes my hand and I smile in relief. "Morgan he can hear us, he squeezed my hand." He comes up to him and says "it's going to be ok kid, just hang in there." 

Just after a couple minutes, he starts shifting in his bed and I hear him groaning and look up at him. At last he wakes up and I instantly go up to hug him.

"Where am I, what happened?" Reid asks.

"Will shot you in the neck, you're in the hospital, you've been in a coma for 3 months." Morgan stated.

"How are the twins?" He looked at me and asked me.

"They're good, you want to see some pictures of them?" I asked him pulling out the roll of pictures from my purse.

"Of course," he smiles as I hand him the pictures.

"They're perfect," he says with tears welling up in his eyes. I see the rest of the team coming in and Garcia is obviously the first one to come running up to Spence and hug him. 

I hear the door open again and I look over to see who it is and I am shocked at who I see. 



Short chapter I know. I hope people haven't died on me and actually read it. Comment what you think on the chapter and who the mysterious person is. 

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