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Alexandra's POV:

I was running for twenty minutes, but the other wolves weren't being distracted with my tricks. They were gaining on to me, and I was ready to jump over the big tree, but someone caught me and pressed me against the tree.

I could only think that this will be the end of me. The wolf was a big gray wolf that was extremely pissed. The wolf was big but not as big as an alpha would be, so pretty much he was a beta.

Other wolfs joined the "beta" guy and surround me against the tree. The "beta" growls and throws me some clothes. He points to the trees and tells me to shift. I went back there and changed into the clothes they gave me a white shirt and some sweatpants that I had to roll up the waistband.

When I came back, the crowd was all shifted into humans again with clothes on. The beta guy came close to me and held my waist tightly like a prisoner is carried into their cell. The guy did have a pretty firm grip, and I tried to break loose, but he was stronger.

"You are coming with us. To Midnight Shadows pack, and tell us everything about your little friends." Beta said to me in an angry tone as we walked to the pack's territory.

I didn't say anything, but smirked and rolled my eyes. 'He will never know.' My wolf whispered as we walked. 'Also, why all of this aggression? He seriously needs to chill' She added to which I rolled my eyes.

As I was walking through the Midnight Shadows territory, I was thinking about escaping, what will happen if I tried to get away, and how hard would it be to escape in the future.

After we were in the pack's territory near buildings and stuff, the Beta dude finally spoke, "If you tell me the location of your hideout and your attack plans. The Alpha could accept you into the pack. You know?" he told me in a tone when a mother wants her child to do what she wants to be done with bribes.

"Too bad! I will never tell you our plans and the location. Snitches get stitches you know?" I said in a joking manner. Apparently, big bad beta didn't liked being fooled because he growled thunderously. He was looking furious his blue eyes turned to black ones, and his wolf took control.

"Throw her into the cells! Don't do anything without my permission. I am going to get my answers!" He shouted to the fighters. Then, the soldiers pulled me from him and put me in the cells.

When they left, I got up and began to looking around and saw my cell is small with a bed and nothing sharp to use maybe to escape with. Maybe if I tell them, they could, accept me to the pack and protect me. But this was way too dangerous. Rogues got me one time, what's stopping them from doing it again?

While I was lost in my thoughts, the angry-crazy-beta dude screamed, "GET UP!!!!!!" He growled loudly to me. I shrugged and got up and looked into his crazy blue eyes.

'He is a decent looking guy, such a shame that we have to kill him' This might be the only time I agree with you.

After a minute of staring into each other's eyes, he dragged me to what I assumed was a torture room. He pushed me into a seat and chained my wrists.

'Shit, now. It is going to take a while to escape.'

"What's your name?" The beta asked me "Alexandra. And your name?" I answered as I raised my eyebrow trying to play it cool. In reality, I was freaking my ass off, but over the years, I have gotten excellent at hiding any emotion.

"Ron..." Ok. Good. Now at least I know this guy is called Ron and I am stuck here. What's new?

'All you need to do is distract him while picking the lock.'Easier said than done

I lifted my head slowly from the ground to see his eyes filled with anger or guilt, but it was hard to tell for sure. He finally calmed down and asked, "How have you ended up where you are?"

"What do you mean? How I ended up there? Or how I become rogue?" He took a minute and responded the second one.

I straighten up and felt confusion about his question. He was asking about the unspoken lines that I have cried myself to sleep and the ones about me becoming, well me.Why can't he ask normal questions?

I looked deep into his blue eyes and cooed, "I'm sorry buddy, but somethings are better to remain in the shadows." I meant what I said. I wasn't going to tell the truth to him, this isn't some fucking therapy. Also, I don't want to have a mental breakdown right now. Then, they would use that against me.

"And, why?" Ron shouted in anger. How does that guy get so angry so fast? He probably should get help. I am just saying. Though his loud voice helped me with hiding the sound of chains falling.

"Because... I seriously don't want to talk about it." I only said.

Somehow, he just got more pissed and sat up on the chair. He came over me and slapped my face. Then he went to grab my neck but I caught his hand mid-air and squeezed it, making my nails dig into his flesh.

Ron was still trying to process how I got out of the chains, while I used all my strength to push him against the wall next to me.

"Listen to me closely you fucker. Slapping someone in the face is not a wise move if you want to get information from them. You better ask nicely next time." I shot him a devilish smile as he started to knock me off of him.

" I shot him a devilish smile as he started to knock me off of him

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