A kiss in the Dark

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Well, here we go, ya'll. ^^

Beep -- Beep -- Beep -- Beep -- Be-

I heard the alarm go off and I had every intention to reach over and turn it off, I really did, but I was just so comfortable. I mean, would you have risked breaking free from your boyfriend's embrace to turn your alarm off? I think not. I pretend I'm still asleep because I don't want to wake up. It's worth the act because in a second, I feel a strong, warm, arm slide across my back and a hand curl around the edge of my hipbone, pulling me to him gently. 

"You're smiling." His voice startled me but I quickly realized what he meant. I had cracked a smile and I didn't even know about it. To this, I groaned softly and wedged my leg between both of his, pressing my cold toes against one of his calves. Such action got him to chuckle and drag me on his chest where I immediately pulled me legs up and rested my knees on either side of his hips; I leaned my chest on his chest and nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck. On his side, I could feel his arms wrap themselves around me, one of them testing the waters by touching just a little lower than the hem of my underwear. He knows that's the no-no zone but just for this morning, I'll let him off with a yellow card. "How long until your parents are awake?" The huskiness of his voice made me sigh quietly. God, I don't think I'll ever get used to that sexiness.

I pressed my lips against his warm skin, in a form of lazy kiss I've grown into the habit of giving to him everytime he stayed over. "Fifteen minutes." I mumbled, my voice far from sexy and husky but whatever, it's not me whose gotta endure it. Once again, I felt the rumbling in his chest of his chuckle as one his hands slid under the shirt I was wearing (which was his yesterday shirt) and rubbed my back in an up and down motion. That felt really good, too. "What's so funny?" I was more awake now but I kept my eyes closed because I didn't want to suffer the horrible light.

"Well, this is the third time I've hit the snooze button." He claimed, his hand now rubbing in circular motions. As if on cue, I heard the sound of my parent's door open and that got both of us scrambling off the bed.

"What didn't you say anything?!" I squeaked, my bleary eyes were wide with alert and most of all - panic. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I whispered in that kind of way that's not really a whipser; the kind where you might as well be speaking. I kind of get mad when I see this huge ass grin on his face. "What? What's so funny Mr. FunnyGuy? Hurry up and get your pants on." I urged which made him laugh under his breath and pull me in with such grace, I couldn't help but melt into him anyway.

"You're so cute." As if to emphasize his words, he poked my nose gently before laying a soft kiss on the tip of it, which had me blushing. I opened my mouth in order to tell him that he really needed to get his clothes and leave before my parents came knocking but I was rudely interrupted by the sweet feeling of tender lips capturing mine in mid-task. Fuck it. 

My shoulders loosened and my hands rested on his chest as I angle my head for a better kiss. My face was burning up but I didn't know the true meaning of blushing until I heard the quietest of moans escape not mine, but his mouth. I suddenly wanted to push him down on that bed, climb ontop of him and -- 

"Sweetheart, are you awake?" Dad's voice came from behind the closed door, making both of us jump back in surprise. 

"Y-yeah, dad, I'm awake." I struggled to think of coherent sentences but that would do for now. It had to. Both of us stared at the door in fear that he'd open it.

"Alright well breakfast is waiting for you downstairs whenever you're ready." And with that, thank the Lord he goes downstairs. I looked back at those captivating hazelnut eyes and shook my head. The fact that he's smiling pisses me off because I can't help but smile back.

"Okay, seriously you need to leave." I mumbled as I bent down and picked his pants up so he wouldn't have to climb out of the window in his boxers. Without saying anything, he slipped his jeans on and because I was taught to do so, I looked away and gave him the privacy. 

"You're so prude." His voice is a lot closer than I anticipated and before we could engage in any sort of liplocking or anything of the sort, I shook my head and stepped away, my finger pointed to the window. 

"I need to get ready for school and you do too." I reminded him, crossing my arms over my chest pointedly. 

"Alright, alright, I'm leaving." His hands raised up in surrender as he walked over to his bag and looped it over one shoulder as he made his way to the window. And then he looked at me expectantly, an eyebrows raised with his signature smirk. "Don't I get a kiss?" Almost instantly, his face shifted into something like a pout and just to make it seem as if he'd forced me to do it, I sighed melodramatically and flung an arm around his neck and brought his lips down to mine. I pulled back before anything could happen and soon enough, he began climbing down the window. 

"I'll see you at school." I smiled down as I poked my head out to make sure no one was there watching us in the act of sneaking him out. If anyone knew we were together... I don't even want to go there.

And then I found myself watching the way his muscles flexed as he heaved himself down the tree, how he was just so damn sex- "Wait, you forgot your shirt!" I was wearing the thing, how could none of us had said anything? He doesn't have time to reply because the startling sound of my dad's voice sounds from downstairs.

"What did you say, young lady?"

"I uh...you forgot your shit, dad!" I yell back at him in answer, thinking that me swearing was better than him finding out about him.

"Watch your mouth, Ellianna." His stern voice and him calling me by full name sent shivers down my spine and not the kind that he brought me. 

"Sorry, dad." I answer back a little more quietly, kind of not paying attention anymore. Instead, I leaned against the window frame and supported my cheek with my hand and sighed as I watched him run off.

My very own, Tyler Conley

Next Part up ^^

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