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Sitting here in the darkness, I can't help but slowly recapitulate what's happened today. One big day, I tell ya. First, I had to throw my secret boyfriend out of my bedroom window because we were going to get caught otherwise. I get to school and I find this rose in my locker who I thought had come from Tyler, my boyfriend, but it turned out that he hadn't given it to me. After school, I came home only to find a bunch of moving trucks and, ta-da, out comes my long lost best friend, claiming that he was now staying here and I later learned he'd be attending the same school because his dad was the principal. As any long lost friends would do, we want for a walk in the park, I stupidly told him I had a secret boyfriend and then we got into this huge tickle fight in the sand. Okay, normal, right? God, just thinking about what happened next made my head hurt. Next thing I knew, there was Tyler standing a few feet away from us and I had run after him to explain that what he thought he'd seen hadn't actually been anything of the sort. Just as I had Tyler convinced, Levi butted in and then the two fought it out and I remembered me getting in the way and next thing I know, I had been punched in the face by Levi who hadn't done it on purpose; he had been wanting to get Tyler. I didn't really remember much after that until I woke up in this very bed with my dad by my side, worriedly pulling the blankets over me. After I explained to him that some guy had tried to fight Levi and the two had gotten riled up, I had stepped in and it had all been an accident. He scolded me and not only have I temporarily lost sight in my left eye, I'm grounded for having intervened in something that wasn't any of my business. 

And I've pretty much been in bed ever since. Fun, right? Thinking back on all of this, I kind of wished I didn't have to go school tomorrow, just so I had a day soak everything in and just, I don't know, relax, I guess. Knowing my parents, they'd probably force me to go school even if I had both of my arms and legs amputated, along with my temporary one-eyed blindness. Oh well, at least the teacher won't give me crap, most of them are nice.

There was a sudden knock at my window and for once, I didn't even jump; I knew who it was. Why did I have to leave my window closed? I don't want to get up, I'm comfortable in this position (any other position had my blood pounding in my head and for anyone who's experienced such feeling knows you can't fall asleep with it). Plus, for what he started today, he didn't deserve I open that window. I was actually a little pissed at him. He had no right to punch Eli, never mind get in some sort of throw-down. Against my will, I got to my feet and lazily trudged over to the shaded window. I looked up to see those eyes which already had me feeling better, but a little mad. I unlocked the latch and hauled it up. I shuddered when the cold air blew in my room and for a second, I wondered how he didn't even have any goosebumps; what a psycho. I took a step back to let him in and turned to make my way back to my current sanctuary - my bed.

Apparently it wasn't going to happen because the second the window shut, I felt chilly fingers grab hold of my wrist with tenderness and turn me around slowly. "Tyle-"

I didn't have time to tell him that I didn't really want him around tonight, his fingers had brushed the tip of my chin and grasped it with the utmost softness and titled my head gently. Once more, I wasn't given a time to react, his lips had captured mine, pulling me in a sweet and guilty kiss. 

I pulled back a quick moment later and licked my lips slowly, wishing I hadn't done that. "Tyler..." I whispered quietly, biting my lower lip carefully. 

"I'm sorry, Ellie. I'm so fucking sorry." His voice was louder than I would've liked it to be, but I didn't say anything but shook my head and took a small step back. When he didn't do anything but sigh, I turned and walked to my bed before I sat on the edge of it and tried to spot my hands in the absolute darkness. 

"Why didn't you trust me? Do you really think I'd do that to you?" I kept my voice as quiet as I could; loud enough he could hear me but only from the distance we shared. In answer, his quiet yet familiar steps came closer to me until I could feel the coldness radiate from his shoes and on my bare feet. I heard him kneel down; that was before he rested his hands on either side of me on the mattress. 

"Ellie," He sighed, one of his hands brushed the side of my hip and if I focused my eye hard enough, I could make out the hair in front of me, meaning that he had his head down. "It's not that I don't trust you or anything." He murmured quietly before falling silent again. I didn't say anything because I knew Tyler wasn't very good at expressing himself and he always had to find his words before he spoke, so I just stayed quiet and resisted the urge to bring his face to mine and ask if he'd stay the night. "I guess I just got scared that I had...not lost you, but, I don't know." He groaned softly and I caved in.

"No, I wasn't hiding him from you." I reached my hand out and felt for his cheek. "And no, I'm not losing my interest in you." For some reason, I just knew that was what he meant. At least, I thought it was. 

"I know you're not," He said quietly, moving in closer to me. The hand that wasn't on my hip rested on my thigh as he tried to find my eyes in the dark - it was his thing. "I just thought that maybe you were just, I don't know, using me or something." His words had been so quiet and mumbled, I almost hadn't heard them. But I did and something in my heart pulled. I took the initiative and cupped the other side of his face in my hand and slowly pulled his lips to mine and kissed him profoundly. Not wanting to break the kiss, I moved back, all the while holding Tyler close to me and slowly laid down on my bed, pulling him on top of me.

We kissed for what seemed like hours but I eventually had to pull back to breathe, of course. I took a deep breath and kept my eyes closed as Tyler sat up and wordless removed his shoes. "I don't think it's a good idea you stay here, tonight." I told him, laying still. He completely ignored my words and instead pulled the blanket we had kicked down over to us as he slipped in the bed next to me. 

He slipped his shirt off and set it on the ground before he turned to me and silence fell. 

"Is it bad?" At first, I didn't understand his question but when I did, I shook my head. Then I realized that he couldn't see me.

"No, not really." I assured him, turning on my side and moving in closer to him - closer to his accumulating warmth. 

"Can I see it?" 

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not? Elli-"

"Because the light could alarm my parents, I'm supposed to be sleeping right now."

"I'm pretty sure they're not standing outside your door, waiting for something suspicious." The sarcasm in his voice had me wanting to roll my eyes but that would hurt, so I just sighed and nestled closer to him.

"Tomorrow, okay?" He sighed in defeat and I felt his shoulders relax as both of his arms wrapped around me and pulled my body against his in a tight embrace. I carefully positioned my head in a way that wouldn't really hurt me (or cause that blood pounding thing) and closed my eyes as his breath blew the top of my hair softly. If I focused hard enough, I could really hear the faint heartbeat emitting from him, which had me in a small trance already.

"I love you, Ellie." 

"...I love you too, Tyler."

"Never forget it, okay? You mean the world to me."

"Go to sleep, Tyler, you've had a big day." I lean forward and kiss the hollow meeting point on his collarbone gently, wrapping one of my arms around his torso. "I'm not going anywhere."

And it was in that moment, ladies and gentlemen, that I knew who had given me the rose.

It wasn't Tyler. It wasn't Levi either. But rather...

Uh oh.

Stay tuned, yeah? (: Maybe vote?

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