Food and Sex

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Well, to any readers I don't know and may or may not be reading this, have a good day! :)

Morning flew by.

Lunch had arrived.

I shut my locker and took a few easy steps until I had officially lost myself in the crowd of mindless sheep, all on the hunt for sex or food. Welcome to high school, I suppose. If you're not having sex then you're indulging in food because you're not getting laid. I'm one of those food-eaters. I mean, I don't want to have sex right at this moment, but that doesn't mean I don't think about it, you know? With Tyler, well he used to be one of those guys that slept around with anything with boobs and a pulse. Then he claimed that I had changed him for the better and blah blah blah. Between you and me, I think he decided to settle down because he'd run out of girls to screw, which kind of makes my self esteem drop but not all that much. I mean, I've got to be pretty decent if he hasn't left me for some girl who'll have coitus with him, right? And even though I don't get to hold his hand anywhere in public, never mind speak to him, I know he cares about me like I do about him. 

These thoughts were coursing through my mind and my steps were growing slower as I delved deeper in thought. That is, until a very familiar voice caught my attention, sending spikes through my heart. 

"Yeah, I totally got his number." I turned my head and tried to spot the face with the familiar voice. There she is. Blonde hair, blue eyes, big boobs and lots of junk in her trunk, if you know what I mean. She's way too skinny in my opinion and she could really do something about that dyed hair, I mean, she never used to -- 

Maybe I was getting a little too over my head. Her name's Courtney and she and I used to be tighter than the pair of jeans she's wearing. I'm saying 'used to be' because, as you might have guessed it,  something happened and broke us up. No it's not because she made new friends with the airheads and no it wasn't over some guy. To be honest, it's a pretty stupid reason and I don't want to get into it right now. Point being, I miss her, a lot. But at the same time, I want to pull out that red extension she's got in her hair and use it to choke her. Get it? It's kind of a love/hate friendship, but the love's kind of lost itself back into our past somewhere. 

I hadn't realize I'd been staring until Courtney sneered in my direction. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I blinked in slight surprise but quickly took hold of myself. I didn't say anything because I could tell her new peers were awaiting my own witty reply because they knew I'd get smoked by the Queen of comebacks. What they don't know is that I'm the one who taught her. Idiots. Instead, I shook my head, turned my back to them and simply walked away. I could hear them mumble things amongst themselves but I ignored them and tried my best not to look back, wondering if she was looking back at me, missing me like I missed her.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

I spent lunch with a few friends of mine and because luck's never been one to stay on my side, I didn't catch a glimpse of Tyler. I know I have last period with him though, so I'm looking forward to that. When the bell rang, all of us got up and went our separate ways, in direction of our lockers. Since mine was on the ground floor, I didn't have to bother marching up those many, many stairs. I weaved my way through the traffic that consisted of students and bumped into someone on my way. I didn't have the time to look back because I was destined for a death by trample if I did. I muttered a quick sorry and soon got my locker. 

Once I spinned my combination, I snapped it open, which was the magic trick to allowing my locker to open. And then, I have to admit, that it takes me awhile to notice things. So when I opened my locker and reached in to grab my books, I nearly screamed when I saw what was taped to the side of the door part of the locker. A long, blood red rose shone with confidence as it remained immobile. 

Oh my God. I couldn't believe he'd done this. I felt my cheeks racing to match the rose's unique colour and quickly made a move to removed the tape from the stem delicately. I looked around, in search of Tyler with a wide grin on my face. I held the flower close to me and couldn't help but squeal in delight. He really was the best boyfriend ever. I set the rose back in my locker and made my way to class, eager for last period to come.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Where was Tyler? It' was the end of the day now and I still had no idea where he was to be found. I don't know why but this got me kind of worried. I mean, does this mean he skipped school? Why would he skip school? He knows he's already struggling in Math, yet I know he had a double period. I kept on fussing over him in my mind until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Immediately, I took it out and saw that it was Tyler who'd sent me  the message. When I opened the folder to read it, I couldn't help but smile widely.

Left bleacher from the far end of the Football field

And off I was, the rose carefully tucked in my backpack, the bloomed bud stuck out  from where I hadn't zipped it up because I felt bad just locking it up and not allowing it any oxygen to breathe. I was at the Football field in two minutes and it took another two minutes to cross it. The second I'd made my way around the bleachers, a hand reached out and grabbed me. I gasped but soon began laughing as I dropped my bag and flung my arms around him, our lips meeting halfway in a deep, much needed kiss. I tried to pull back but he didn't let me. Instead, his hands travelled up into my hair and I could feel his fingers tangling themselves in between the wavy layers. Hell, I wasn't about to protest, that much was for sure. A few minutes went by and I don't know how we managed to do it without breaking the kiss, but I was laying on the grass and he was supporting himself over me. It really did suck that we both had to pull back to breathe, but it kind of worked out in my favour because I was wanting to talk to him.

With a pink face and a tight grasp on Tyler's shirt, I smiled up at him and licked my lips. I couldn't get enough of him. This was so bad, so, so bad. But love always came at a price. "I..." I was still trying to catch my breath and just then, Tyler swooped down and began carving a path down the length of my neck, sprinkling tiny little kisses all over until te rim of my shirt stopped him. "Tyler," I whispered quietly, bringing my hands up to his face so he'd pay attention to me.

I stared deep into his eyes and I could see that boy from a few months ago. I knew he wanted sex, but that was just something I couldn't give to him. Not yet. And it wasn't because I didn't trust or love him or anything. I'm just scared shitless about the whole thing. That's a good enough reason, right?

"If you don't talk, I'm gonna have to kiss you again." His spoken words made me smile and kiss his lips gently.

"Thank you for the rose." I whispered quietly, my arms lacing around his neck and I pulled him down on the grass next to me. His arms slid around my frame slowly and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. "I love you, Tyler." I added softly, meaning every single one of those words. 

"I love you too, Ellie." He murmured back at a slow speed, his hand caressing my back tenderly. I'd been about to look up and ask why he was talking so slow but he beat me to it.

"But I never gave you a rose."

'Tis all ^-^ I hope you enjoyed it! Drama ensues in the following chapters, thought I'd let ya'll know. (: Anyway, if you could vote or comment to let me know if you're genuinely interested in knowing what's gonna happen, that'd be great - keeps me motivated, y'know?

Anyway, buh-hye!

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